Video: Singing “He Came Looking For Me” Live @ Long Hollow Baptist Church

One night while on life’s raging sea it looked as if I would suffer defeat.
As the blackness of night closed off the light my heart sank with fear.
My desperate cry rang out with fright; all I could see was no hope in sight.
With faith all but gone I met the one who came looking for me.
He came looking for me, He came looking for me.
He made a way when there was no way that I could see.
When I drifted so far Jesus was near to rescue my soul and calms all my fears.
Now I’m safe from all harm since I met the one who came looking for me.
Satan had already picked out my grave, his plan was to foil and put me away.
I’d drifted so far, would anyone care that I’d soon be lost.
I knew my destruction was a matter of time but Jesus appeared and said this one is mine.
Now I’m safe with no harm for he walked through the storm
When he was looking for me.