Worship Is Best Seen By Example

I was meditating the other day and thought back to a church service that I was in. Some of the more active people were worshipping freely while others were sitting back in more of an observe mode. As I look back to that moment it led me to wonder if the rest of the church that knows how powerful worship can be to others would not just step up and join everyone in unity.

But you see, that’s just it. One of the greatest lacks that can be identified in the church today is a lack of leading by example. The very moment you ever question anyone about their participation the minute they grow defensive against you. It is a very hard issue to tackle and without proper love and understanding can be mishandled very easily.

The very first step to leading by example and is essential to do is to possess love in your worship. Enjoy yourself and be proud of your God. If people can see love in you then it helps them to let their guard down and allow their vulnerabilities to be touched by God’s spirit.

Another important principal is to take moments here and there is to encourage others to worship. Don’t do it when you are frustrated. And certainly don’t so it without love in your heart. You don’t have to ask a million times nor do you have to even wait for a response. Sometimes people just need a little nudge in the right direction. It is in their free will to decide to worship and is important to remember that you are the example and not the rules for it.

And finally, please remember to keep worship continual in your life. It is not just with hands, with dance, and with tears. It is in everything that you do; all that you show your passion for. Worshipping by example will above all things teach the new and upcoming generations to know where their true joy will come from!