What A Wonderful Savior

You know, I could use every single byte of space on this web site and would never be able to truly express from my heart the love that flows in my heart for God! We have such a wonderful saviour. I am so thankful for the cause of that cross; the one that gave us life and it more abundantly, joy unspeakable, peace beyond all understanding, life eternal, the list goes on and on! Most of the time you see a lot of emphasis spent here through worship and meditation, right?

Let us break out of the box just for a minute. As we all know that Jesus Christ paid the price for the sins that were before us, there was a (what I will call my R&R) redemption and revival! I was not only redeemed for the past or at-the-time present I could not repair (or even get through) but was also given by the power of the spirit of God the ability to be delivered from all temptations!

So today, I am in praise for our savior not just for what we know about in our present sight and perspectives but the things we never see. I praise God for the quick resolutions before a conflict, peace-making events that divert from harm, the healings unseen before sickness takes its terrible turn, the words that come through spontaneous sources that are the right now word, all of those things! God put so many more ways of showing us His love than we often recognize. I just want to be thankful (and grateful) this day for how my life has turned around from what used to be such a  life bound by darkness and misery! Praise the Lord for the ever-continual flowing gift of not only being able to be saved, but safe as well.