Uh Oh, The Excuse Cookie Jar Just Ran Out Of Cookies….What Now?

I like to visualize things to food as much as possible because…well I like food of course. It is easy for me to relate things to something I like or understand, as it is for anyone right? For now, I would like to visualize our ‘cookie jar’ and relate the contents of this jar to excuses….good ol’ excuses. You know what I am talking about right? We all probably have had a jar heaped full of cookies full of sweet excuses like “I am too tired”, “I am not good enough”, or even my personal favorite “they do not like me so I do not have to”. We’ll consume all of them (as we tend to do with good cookies) until we get so slothful and junked up on it that we are not active about anything and every excuse that we have consume becomes what we are.

I have read in the bible time and time again about the conversation that was being made about what defiled us. When you defile something you are saying that you are polluting or spoiling it. So when we put this all together it is pretty easy to realize: living in our excuses every day and consuming them as how we are expected to live will spoil and pollute the very life source that is supposed to be so much more than that. As we know, doctors, nutritionists, and even my wife tells me to consume things that promote life unto me! Put this with the word of God! The word of God is life unto you! And as I hear through God in service and prayer so often that bread of life when consumed is life and promotes life everlasting!

So the moral of the day is this: get out of the cookie jar, stop making excuses about your walk with God and get busy with all you have and all you know! It is your life and God is life unto you! Be a willing obedient vessel and see your life begin to flourish! Trust me, it WILL come!