With Any Help Done In Love Comes Help From Above

One of the toughest things to ever see or hear about are to do with people that are in need of help. We as children of the Lord have a calling to always be moving to the aid of the weak. I try to remind myself each day when I feel weak that there is someone out there feeling weaker than me, and that God needs me to be strong on their behalf. God needs the body of Christ to be strong in the days that we live in, and to definitely move in the gifts and acts of charity.

To me charity comes in many ways and forms. It can come in the form of a good or service, but at any rate is given in a selfless act from one to another. If you have a special calling or ability in your life that God has placed upon you, never hold back what it is that you have inside. People need you. If you happen to be having a good month financially, think of some way that you can lose a little so that others can gain. And if you don’t have a lot and feel like you are powerless, you can ALWAYS pray and stand in the gap for others. It’s a powerful thing!

Make it a goal in your day, week, month to do something that bears a significant impact that is completely selfless. Pray before you do it and dedicate your selflessness and service to God. And in all acts of kindness, shine a light to those that do not know Christ and lead them to a perfect salvation!