What Being A Light Brings For You

This post might not be for everyone, but that’s okay. I feel led to write this one today, and I hope that to whomever this is for, that it speaks to your life.

I remember so many times in the earlier years in my life how easy that it was to get in a place where I felt like I was far away from anyone that could try and help me. What I didn’t realize at the time was that when I would begin to isolate myself and allow myself to be further and further from God and closer and closer to sin, I was essentially walking further and further into darkness.

More often than not I didn’t want people to see me in that condition or try and help me because I felt so unworthy for people to even look upon me. When people become so possessed with sin, it becomes as a terrible disease and corrupts the very will of a person.

I praise God for being delivered from all of that depression and desire to want to leave the world and wanting to lead such a miserable life! God truly changed me! I’m so happy about that, if you only knew!

Now that I am of a better understanding of the word of God and am willing to listen, I have learned some valuable lessons. I have learned that if I focus continually on God that my carnal mind is NOT allowed to bend the will of God in me. The light of God in my mind that stays focused each day is able to see the tricks and plans of the enemy WAY ahead of time (because your watching AND praying!) and I actually retain joy and peace that it build within me.

A light in my life most importantly lets my character be a witness to others! That’s what we are! Witnesses of Christ to a forsaken world! Remember that!