Walking Close Versus Standing Back

When Jesus was alive and walking in the midst of people working miracles, there was always a crowd; people always wanted to be where the action was. They either wanted to get help or bear witness to it. And to those that were not able, they cried aloud for it.

So what about today?

We as God’s people often will be in services today and feel the presence of the Lord enter in the midst but stand by because we are either unsure or do not believe for whatever reason. These reservations, whether we choose to acknowledge it now or later, are ripping the church apart day by day. We NEED the spirit of God to heal our land, guide or direction, and repair the broken-hearted. We need the backbone of the pillars of the saints of God to be restored once more so that we stand again proud and not afraid when one small trial comes through to blow us over!

I choose today to walk close to the presence of God! I want to be right in the middle of it! I press through the crowds of hindrances and stumbling blocks in faith just to get to the hem of Christ’s garment! I’m that desperate for joy and peace in my life! There is no other by which we will stand and have a stable life! Join with me in walking close again and not standing back anymore!