Take From Yourself So That God May Increase


John 3:30 – He must increase, but I must decrease.

Mark 8:36 – For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


As you study within the bible you will find that the removal of hindrances and stumbling blocks in our lives will begin to bring us closer to God. In fact, it is very easy to find things that we can improve. However, the bigger issue that surfaces when something is tough for us is whether or not we are willing to let God change us from within. Are you?

I am the first person to admit that it is not easy to make personal sacrifices; especially the ones that we seemingly enjoy more than others. Sure, life has many temptations that are pleasing to our human nature. More often than not we neglect to address our fun and pleasures with the simple question: How does this benefit my walk with God? Sometimes the answer may not be to our liking. The answer may be that our choices do not glorify God or we soon realize that we could find something else better to do with the time. The part of you that makes you a strong Christian is the part that is willing to stand up for God and not lean towards fulfilling your own desires. So as you go about your daily life remember to take inventory of what you do and say. Ask yourself, “Am I doing things that make God the first in my life?” Doing this only helps us to grow and to come through the trials of life in victory! Temptations will be easier to say no to and your joy will return in your life once more! Take from yourself so that God may increase!


The next time that you have money to use for your own fun, I urge you to take the challenge of giving it to someone else to use. For some this may be harder than others (especially when money is tight) so only perform if you can. This example is a representation of showing God’s love by blessing others through increasing their blessings willingly and decreasing yours for their behalf. Jesus paid the price for all of us so that we would have the ability to know and understand the meaning of selfless, compassionate love!