Stay In Shape. Walk With God Today!

One of the toughest things for a child of God to do in the day we live in is to simply be stable. We live in such hard times that it is very easy to get in this pattern of “ups and downs”. While I know that there are going to be mountains and valleys purposed for our lives to endure, what I would like to refer to is something a little more direct.

Let’s bring it to comparison:

A person could lose 100 pounds and feel such a weight lifted off of their life. It’s easy to tell the difference on your body when you walk, sleep and function each and every day. It’s safe to also assume that this weight did not come off without some kind of effort. We know that there are “quick” solutions out there that will help drop 5 or 10 pounds here and there, but this kind of loss could only come with continual efforts driven by a person willing to work for the goal of seeing it through! If this same person stopped exercising all together and just ate anything in the world with no care for themselves, the weight would be back instantly and all the efforts would have been lost.

That’s where I’m at with what’s on my heart today. When we can learn to recognize when we are putting on too many burdens that are unnecessary, we can start laying off the weights that easily beset us through prayer each day. God is calling us to a more intimate relationship. In order to stay in great spiritual shape, efforts must be continual and the drive must stay within the heart and mind. The drive within your heart is by your own choice. We can either choose to pray off our burdens or not. We can either choose to be spiritually strong by allowing God to help us or we can eventually put all of the weight back on that we work so hard to lose!

Don’t let it all pile up! Stay in shape and walk with God today!