Sometimes Tears Are Necessary

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 – To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

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Prayer is definitely an essential part of your life, and truthfully a time to cry out to God, no doubt. However, sometimes God places people on your mind that might humble you or make you feel less than happy. I’m here to tell you that sometimes it’s good to feel the burdens of others. It often reminds me that life is not always just about ME. That is God trying to let you know he needs you to cry out for them today.  Say a prayer for someone else today, and let the tears flow for someone else’s need.

I cannot guarantee that when you get down praying today (or when you decide to) that you are going to rise up feeling as good as you did when you began. There have been times in the past that when I started praying that the burdens for others began to remind me that the call on my life is far greater than me. In that moment my selfishness really showed up and demonstrated just how much my love for others was.

When you decide to really be honest with yourself, you will allow yourself to cry, jump, scream, or any form of expression as long as you know it is what God is requiring of your life. As for me personally (even as a man), sometimes tears are needed. It gets me past all of my “I got this” and “I do not need you” attitudes and makes me realize just how much I need God.

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Put Into Practice:

Allow yourself to be humble before God. Find a quiet place (and if you cannot ask for one or make one if you must) and begin to meditate upon the Lord. Focus upon allowing yourself to be humble and to recognize the parts of you that “cannot do this alone” and “have no control over this”. You fill in the blank on whatever “this” may be to you. Remember, this is of no benefit unless you give it a legitimate shot! It is just you and God at the end of the day, so go for it!

Humble your spirit so that your faith can begin to grow in you each day. Personally, I would say that out of everything that I did out of the entire book that this may have been one of the most difficult. You can almost find yourself simply out of habit finishing sentences with what I would like to call the “prepositions of defeat”. Stop speaking things that would simply make you think “there is no way” or “that would be impossible” Remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We are starting right out of the gate believing in something that we are hoping for, so start hoping!