Sometimes It Hurts, Sometimes It Helps


John 15:20 – Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.


When it comes to encouraging others the reaction you receive will always vary. You can sometimes give someone just what they need, while in other moments the other person may appear agitated. It could even be a right now word that you speak that touches their life and yet they still reject you. An important part to remember in ministry work is that even the best encouragement cannot alter a stubborn spirit. All that we can do in any situation is offer God through love and obedience so that the people you witness to can begin to know the source of help and encouragement through the wisdom and spirit of God you share!

There will be other times, however, when the words will begin to fail you. When a person is in a circumstance long enough, they will begin to look back at you and simply say they have “heard this all before” or that you just “do not understand”. Remember that pursuing harder is not always the best option. You must learn to follow the leadership of how God’s spirit would have you to counsel others. There were times when Christ offered to people words of encouragement and faith. For example, Jesus spoke to the woman at the well to draw from the fountain of living water, extending choice to a new way of life. When the man was at the pool at Bethesda, Jesus spoke for him to take up his bed and walk, encouraging him to take the action in faith! Just remember as a witness of God to always follow the Holy Spirit when you go out to help people and you will never be led astray by your own actions, words or opinions!


God’s spirit always has the most perfect timing when it comes to when actions and obedience need to be interjected into a situation. Think about moments when worship and preaching have really changed your life. Was it not when you were really going through something and needed help? Find those moments with people as you pray for God to show you and learn when to bring out the best of your love and compassion for others.