Somebody Is Praying

Psalm 6:9 – The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.

Jonah 2:7 – When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.

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I am sure that we all have read in various places the bible about how God never leaves us nor forsakes us and that He will be there always even until the end, right? That encourages me when I begin to think about that! It reminds me that there are angels encamped all about me, always watching over me and taking care of me each and every day. I have a word just for you: God has a special plan for you, no matter how you see the outcome of your life each day. The plan never changes, yet our perspective often does.

Whether we ever come to discover it or not, be reminded today that there is someone praying for you! Someone may have given you this to read. There may be a possibility that you may never grace church doors but that does not stop people from calling out your name in prayer! It might not be anyone that you even know; for it could be a friend or a complete stranger! Nonetheless, God calls people each and every day in the gift of prayer, and it is becoming a growing calling in the day that we are living. The question you may be asking is, how do you know? I would have to say because the needs of those around us are growing greater each day and the concern of Gods people is growing more and more.

Know that we love you and are praying for everyone out there! More than that know that God loves you unconditionally and whosoever will come can come to the Father for salvation and eternal life!

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Put Into Practice:

Take a moment today to pray for everyone but yourself. I know you may be thinking, “but what about all the things that I may need?!?” I realize that it takes a lot for us to put ourselves out of the way on the behalf of others, but God is really trying to get us to get to that place. Let me explain:

You see, the revelation that God gave me a long time ago was when I began to obey Him and to help others that not only their lives would be blessed but mine would be for the efforts also. I could very well only pray and praise for me at church, but there is so much more to give and use of the love of God that lives inside of you! Now? I may be in the altar working for an hour before I give my aching head any thought and by the time I am done my headache has passed with the virtue of healing. I may also be preaching or singing to encourage others and all of my fears and worries of trials in my mind just melt away. That is the beauty of when obedience meets the power of life and faith that is living inside of you! Let it come alive!