Prayer And Its Many Factors

1 Thessalonians 5:17 – Pray without ceasing.

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Where can I even begin to start? Prayer is one of the most favorite things to do in my life. I can honestly say that without the ability to pray I do not know how I would have made it thus far. Prayer has saved me from my every addiction, brought me out of every oppression, and has lifted me out of all depression. It saved me when I was lost, and helped me find my way when I needed direction. It sent down the healing virtues when I was sick in body, and helped me to believe during the most difficult trials in my life.

Prayer stirs me in times when I would otherwise feel hopeless. It also lifts me up when there is an absence of people to fulfill the role to encourage me. It reminds me of the grace and provision of God when I have little or no way to make it through. Does that not stir you? Generally if the answer is anything other than yes than you can know beyond all doubt that prayer has not been something to really bail you out before! Trust me, when it has you will know in your heart about an experience that will have you standing up to tell others about the power of prayer!

Most importantly, it is the divine and open communication to God, and without it we will grow weak in a hurry. Always remember the importance of why it is you call out to God and do it with all of your heart! Do not just ask in words like you would ask someone for a ride somewhere without sincerity. Ask humbly and let a spiritual experience take place in your life! Let the death of your flesh (lowering of self) bring to life within you the increase of a stronger spiritual self. Prayer changes things, and should be done often and earnestly! Never forget it!

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Put Into Practice:

This is by far the turning point in the book and the most important activity that is recommended for you to do. I’m begging you to take the time for this.

Pray a prayer like you never have before. For maybe the first time in your life, just put out there openly and verbally to God all of the things you were always afraid to pray about. Be bold and confess to God about the parts of you that you feel vulnerable. Take some time to sincerely work on the issues within. I am asking you to not get up from the prayer until you feel the presence of God bring you comfort.

There was an experience where I got down and was there for a solid hour, simply crying out in pure humbleness. I cannot recall a single word that even came forth, but I do remember when I got up that the pain and suffering that had been on me was gone. It may take longer than that or only a few minutes, but I beg you begin to make it a habit to not only pray for the needs in your life, but allow God to have time to minister directly to YOU.