New Beginnings and Old Endings

Welcome to another year in your life! If you are reading this today, than God has a spectacular plan in store for you in the upcoming future. One would ask, “how do you know this about me when you do not know me?”, and my response is simply this: it is God’s pleasure to do great things and to be glorified through your life!

As you embark upon this next few months, do not make resolutions that will fall through just as they always do. Make some fresh commitments to Christ and get out there and start beginning to make a difference in your life and the lives of others!

Do not let another year go by with doubt and regret. Step out and do the things you were afraid to do before. Be more obedient and faithful to believe in what God is trusting you to do. There are lives hanging in the balance all around you, whether you may realize it or not.

Most importantly, remember your self worth and the worth of your walk with God. Never forget its value in the good or bad times and always remember to utilize every part that God has placed in you to give you strength for the trials ahead.

May God bless you abundantly this year, and I pray that everyone’s churches and ministries go further than they ever imagined!