Keep Your Eyes Wide Open

Revelation 3:2 – Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

1 Thessalonians 5:6 – Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

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When I go to lay my head down at night, there is a moment that takes place right before I go to sleep: I begin to relax my mind and my body, shut my eyes, and finally let my body give in to the weariness of the day because it simply has to. Every person must enter into rest at some point for many reasons, with one of the main ones being to obtain strength for another day. In considering how this happens for the body, we have to realize that this wants to happen naturally for us in our trials as well: we get discouraged and tired with the way things are for so long and eventually just want to close our eyes and give up. Doing this lets the outcome go in a direction that perhaps that it wasn’t meant to.

What do I mean? If we are continually praying to God each day over the things that bother us, we will never grow tired in our spiritual person. In fact, we will begin to grow stronger and start to revive the parts of us that have already fallen asleep. The church needs a strong awakening in such a way that they do not even realize! It starts with us! Don’t fall asleep on God!

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Put Into Practice:

I would ask that this next exercise be a controlled one, so have at least one or two persons are very close by if you are going to try this in an area that has a lot of objects around. Find yourself something that you can have as a blindfold and hold it up to your eyes with the lights on (do not tie it on yet!) to make sure that no light can get into your vision. After you have found something that works, think of something safe to do that you think you could do “in your sleep” or “with your hands tied behind your back”. For example purposes, I would use trying to make a sandwich or brushing your teeth.

To me, it is amazing how it is so easy to get off track without having the simple leisure of light illuminating the way for you. People take it for granted each and every day! Now, simply remember this concept as you go about your life and remember how easy we can get off track without allowing the light (witness and spirit of God) to shine and lead us through all of the things we need help with, no matter how silly they are.