Just In The Nick Of Time, Always On Time!

When it comes to our prayers and what we have before God, I can say on my (and perhaps anyone’s) behalf that it may not always be when we think it should occur. In fact, I have found many times that rather than being thankful for what I do have that my focus is what I do not. Our human nature is very keen nowadays on picking up on the lack thereof!

I write today such a blessed person. I have came so far in my life, and I have came so far in my own family (and extended family). When I truly consider all the blessings that have came thus far, it is exceptionally hard for me to even have the nerve to ask “why” or “when” from God. In fact, it begins to bring out the spirit of thanksgiving and praise within, as it should within all of us. It should remind us that God never leaves us or forsakes us in our time of need. We should remember each day where we were in the prior days and how far that we have come. If we were to not forget the manner of person we are, we would remember the person we use to be as well.

I know how far I have came personally, and I know (just in the people I have come into contact with) how far so many have came through God. We are all so blessed and have so much to give God praise for this day. Let’s be excited about the blessings of God! Let’s shoot out some thanksgiving praise, and then that faith praise and the faith prayers in the future will be with assurance and confidence!

Be lifted up to know that what God performs is done on God’s time, and when it is done it is for your good! It is to strengthen you and to mold you into that true man and woman of God that was always intended from the very beginning! So take a few minutes today to simply reflect on the good things God has done. Trust me, you will surprise yourself. You might even have a few tears and praises come out of you (and that’s okay)!