Do You Feel It?


Isaiah 40:31 – But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


Feelings come in many different forms. For example, if you: have been burned by something hot, have been stung or bit by an insect, or have held on to a piece of ice or swam in cold water, etc. It is easy to interpret feelings on a physical level, for they are sensations that we can feel with our body’s senses. There are also things that we can relate to on an emotional level. For example: if someone insults you, if you lose someone that is close to you, or when you are in confusion or conflict over the unknown. These sorts of emotions can be recognized by many because it is something we encounter not only within our senses but through our feelings.

What I want to you to think about today are your daily experiences with the spirit of God. As we start having great times with God we begin to use experiences that God has let us walk through to have a more intimate relationship with Him. As a few examples: faith and testimony praise, worship during altar service, prayer and meditation, reading and studying the bible, the list goes on and on. There are many avenues that God has provided for us so that we can not only believe that He is with us but to know it in our hearts. The spirit of God works through the love in our hearts to help usher those around us that do not know Christ to salvation. When we know God and establish a secure relationship we then see life in a new pair of eyes and see that there is so much more out there to live and enjoy! There is a closeness that God wants us all to have that will keep us through each and every problem we face! Do you feel it today? If you need the comfort of the spirit, seek for it, for it is there to help you today!


My most urgent prayer for you is that you begin to seek God for a stronger anointing in your life. Surrender your heart and yield to the presence of the Holy Ghost. And as you do, listen to how God will teach you to become a more loving person and an ambassador for the message of Jesus Christ! Live through your problems and let love change your life!