Do What You Do For God And Love Doing It!

Let me share something personal with you. When I am at home, I love to stand in front of my piano and play songs of worship. It brings a sense of peace and joy about me and begins to calm everything that is going on in my life. Doing this every now and again is so refreshing because it is something that God has anointed me to be able to do; it is a true God-given gift for me to not only do but to enjoy doing as well! I realized a long while back that it was not only for going out and using in the ministry, but for the personal trials in my own life. I cannot tell you how many times that it has helped me along the way to be able to sing songs like “Thank You Lord For Your Blessings On Me” and “Above All” to begin to allow God’s spirit to be with me in the very room I stand!

Now then, I want to express how much further that goes than just singing! We are called to do something spectacular. As God created each and every one of us He purposed us with something unique and for His glory. When we begin to not only use it for the strength of others but for our encouragement it begins to be something that we can really enjoy. I say this in humor but I have seen way too often people singing about the Lord giving strength not being able to believe the words they sing and it simply being words on the page. When it begins to pour out from your heart and come alive inside of you (from the part of you that God begins to move in) it can start making a difference out in this world!

Let’s learn to do what God has called us to do and to actually enjoy it! Don’t be ashamed or afraid, but simply do it in love and let people see the witness of God in your life! It can then truly be a blessing, whether it be out of key or not how you rehearsed it! It can reach out to those in need even if that part of the message wasn’t in your notes that you are teaching or preaching! Be a witness of God through the active demonstration of the joy of the Lord, for He is good and what He has placed in you is more than enough to conquer each and every battle you come to!