Do We Use Discernment Anymore?


Romans 8:27 – And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.


One of the toughest spiritual gifts to willingly learn and use is the gift of discernment. One of the ways you can understand how discernment works is when you are following the Holy Ghost during a church service to ensure you are obeying the perfect will of God, keeping things in a spiritual order as God would lead, and helping to prevent things that would disrupt the freedom of God from being in control. That is the long way of putting it but is where you might see it used the most.

To put it in an easier way, you would not just let anyone get up and minister to you without having a good spirit dwelling within them. You know (and discern) that through the light of God lives a person’s spirit and are you able to bear witness of that light through what they speak and obey. You can begin to use discernment every day of your life. Whether it comes to what you see or hear or what you do around or say to others, discernment can be used in all venues if you allow the spirit of God to lead you. God would not have you willingly walking around in sin if it can be shown to you to turn from it. We can begin to discern that it is not the right situation to surround ourselves with and can learn to change where we are and what we do. It is possible! As we pray we can begin to discern from people how they either have God’s love or are lost from God’s direction and are in need.


Learn to be spiritually led each day! The best thing to start with is prayer and thinking upon the good things of God. Once you start there, build yourself up and see how much begins to change. You will be surprised! God would not have you live in darkness. God would have you be a light to it, compelling people to change. Learn to change your environments and get out when you know things are too much for what you are capable of dealing with. Remember, we often make our biggest mistakes when we think we are strong enough to discern it for ourselves and not with the spirit. God is the best leader and guide!