Consider Your Daily Habits

We have things that go on each day: tasks, to-dos, routines, etc. Whatever you would like to call it is fine, but there are things we always have each day that we always do. What I would ask you to consider is to think about where God is in your day. I would highly encourage you to try and include Godly activities in where you have time, and if you do not do it now to make time for it.

Here is an applied example: If you cannot do it (by it I mean any Godly works) at work, do it BEFORE work. If you don’t want to read the bible or pray when you get off because you are too tired, read BEFORE you go in the morning. If you are not a morning person, read during your lunch hour while you eat. I’m not trying to be picky, but we have to be more considerate of where God fits in the midst of our busy lives. And just because I am using an example of doing something once doesn’t mean that I’m not recommending doing them more then that!

Always remember: seek the kingdom first, and all the other things will be added. In other words, make God a top priority, and the other things will come through God and not via a struggle through your own hand. Have a great day!