Confidence In God Is Of More Worth Than Gold

Proverbs 3:26 – For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

Isaiah 30:15 – For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

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In many opinions, people can be primarily confident from their good works. It is often heard and referenced to that in essence “the work speaks for itself”. Others are confident in themselves simply because they are who they are and do not care about the popular opinion of others. And finally, you have those that have a confidence that speaks volumes about them even though they do not say a word. You can simply just see it all over them by the life they live and the example they lead by.

Regardless of how you want to put up an opinion of what an accurate definition of what a person is confident in, the fact is that people like to put their confidence in something. There are some that put it in objects, while others will go all in on people they trust. It seems like in the day that we live in anymore that the one thing that no one is confident anymore is God. It is not something we really have to debate about; for it is just something you see by the decline of the church and the joy of serving God in those who still are attempting to live a life for God.

If you read anything on this page, catch this part: being confident in God each day will build your faith and reduce your worries and confusion. It takes you away from being focused in areas that you should not be and allows you to devote your love and happiness in a way that it was intended for you to enjoy. I know that life is not always lived in joy, but if you are confident in God joy can be sought after (or sometimes fought for) and found! In the long run, I have always found that it is the prayers and endurance of faith that has brought me through further than anything else where “moth and dust doth corrupt”!

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Put Into Practice:

I know we have all seen the infomercials on television that attempts to captivate us quickly for a quick spend. The principal of those sorts of infomercials is simply this: It is so easy to use and such a small price to pay to get the convenience.

Try to realize that the way God is to you is the same, yet it is free and is without any middle man. You can call out on God directly, even now. I would ask you to try and make a “pitch” to someone who does not know about Jesus Christ and let them know how easy it really is to begin a relationship and how change can begin to work in their lives for their good! I would buy in on that, and encourage you to get out there and do that kind of ministry! That sort of infomercial is called being a witness for God!