Can You Have Too Much Of A Good Thing?

When I begin to ponder and think of this concept, there is only but one answer that comes to mind: yes, you can.

There are many things that we all love and enjoy in life. Some of them may be hobbies while others are educational and recreational. While these things all can prove to produce some kind of emotional “joy”, let me put out there today that this joy (while good in the moment) is only temporary in the short term. In fact, there is always some form of sacrifice or cost that must come at the expense of an emotional buy. And as we all know, some consequences can far outweigh more than others.

As we continue to seek after God and search for a deeper walk with Him each day, let us remember what it is that keeps us established; for when we seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, all the other things (to me the spiritual fulfilling things) that we need to keep us in our life with joy will begin to be added. With that said, we can never have too much of God. You might even feel burnt out sometimes, but that is because of how life makes us feel “bored” with things so quickly.

I continually remember each day through the experiences that God almighty has performed for me that I can never have too much of God. In fact, the more of God that I have, the less of a desire that I have for the other things that I used to pursue for my temporary joy. Take time throughout your minutes, hours, days and weeks through prayer and the study of the word of God to evaluate yourself to see if the life you present before God is truly pleasing and bringing the spiritual fruit that is full of all the things we all truly desire out of life. Then, you can find fulfillment without the continual pursuit of every other pleasure out there!