So Where Did You Say The End Was At?!?


Have you ever began something and started to wonder if there was ever an end to what you are going through? I am not sure where you may be, whether that be at the start and finish, but I can certainly understand what it feels like to get lost somewhere in between. Ever had one of those good ol’ “one thing right after another” days? There used to be some times in my life where I would honestly feel like, “Okay, well you know (talking to God in my mind), I guess this is it for me. I cannot keep this up anymore.” So I write this in complete empathy for those of you that are going through some real tough stuff. And unlike some people that tell you in ignorance to just laugh/blow off tough stuff I learned through tribulation that hard trials do not leave simply because you try to dismiss them of your own strength. It takes a divine power to overcome and be strengthened enough to rejoice in the fiery trials. Do not get me wrong about chuckling over stuff to find a smile; for laughter does great things like a medicine but remember that medicine is only part of a possible treatment and may not work depending on a situation or the sickness of their spirit. The will to live and the substance to which drives a person to keep fighting is what gets us from tangled heartstrings to the comfort of the Holy Spirit. The one lesson I have learned after going through things in my personal life: there will be a given end to any beginning. Sometimes the outcome did not turn in my favor but this did not leave the trial looping over and over again. There was a lesson learned at the trials conclusion. There were emotions that had been affected as a result of the consequences. Life as I know it changed with the outcomes of what had happened.

So where did you say the end was at?!?

There came a day when I realized that I had to stop fighting to reach then end and to actually fight to win the battle. An example? Depression has no end if you try to just wait it out. The only way you find the end to being sad is when you begin to fight the feeling. Addictive behavior only knows how to continue. You can only find the end of addiction when you begin to fight the battle to be free! I encourage all of you today with a very serious and sincere word from the bottom of my heart: fight to win the battle and not to just get through something! The best part about what I am telling you is that when we come into complete surrender of our heart and troubles we are reassured that all the while God is fighting our every battle!