So Tell Me About Your Day

Have you ever had that moment where you get to talk to your spouse or loved one and you asked them “So how was your day?”. As small as this question seems, it goes without saying that for most of us this may be one of the only moments where you show your concern for their well-being and what they do. Some of us may be saying, “but I do care about them!”, and no doubt that we all do. There is one thought I want to remind you about using this example.

God is concerned about your day. I am so thankful for that. When all else lose concern for how you are or if you need help God is ready to talk. In fact God is ready at any time for you to cast your cares before Him! I know that you may not be cool with sitting at your kitchen table chatting it up with God but there is definitely a means for you to do it: prayer! Prayer is not only for the devotion and worship time we give to God but is purposed as a means to cast our hindrances aside through faith.

Show concern because you want to. For one example, teenagers often do not want to communicate everything openly, but I encourage you to try anyway. When teens get in the years of rebelling or attempting to define their self it appears that they could care less about what you think. The one thing that should not change, regardless of how much a person does, is your love and concern for them.

As God reflects concern for you daily, remember to show it in kind for all. The world needs that love to be drawn to almighty God.