Here’s A Little Advice: Be Careful With Multitasking

In the busiest of times that we are in, we find ourselves trying to wear many hats, balance many plates, and be in 10 places at once. It is the never ending struggle to supply the world with its demand for the only thing we can give: ourselves. Now I am a total advocate for making the most of your time; quite frankly I only allow a few moments of time where I am not doing something. However, as I have been praying lately and learning through the trials of my own life, I have something to share with you today. It goes a little something like this:

Beware of multitasking, as it is not multitasking at all. Be careful with this ‘act’, especially with your walk with God. It is fun and fair to say that it can be argued that there should be ‘me’ time, ‘us’ time, ‘family’ time, ‘friend’ time, ‘hobby’ time, ‘work’ time, etc. Trust me, there has been every reasonable argument pass through my mind and ears to attempt and persuade me that God can just be incorporated in some way….BUT NOT SO!

That’s where I feel as a minister that we are missing the 1-2 punch on the enemy. We are in our weakness when we do not dedicate enough ‘God’ time. The word of God speaks of seeking the Kingdom of Heaven in essence ‘alone and above all things’, because all other things were bundled and were aforementioned to be added to you at the conclusion of seeking God. Studies have even began to show that our balancing acts are no acts at all, and that we can only truly devote our concentration to one piece fully.

So today? Seek God first before you begin trying to do everything else. You would be surprised how some of the pieces in your life would begin to fall into place as the favor of God, which of more word than gold and silver, will begin to transform your life and do great things. Stick to that singular mind of serving God to the fullest!