The Greatest Tests Present The Greatest Opportunities

There are many circumstances through life that we will encounter that will present themselves as a very obvious trial of our faith. A trial of faith as I have found through personal experience is revealed when it questions the integrity of how much that you trust God with a situation or moment. One day we might find ourselves in a position where it is hard to always say within ourselves, “God I know you are with me” or “God I know this is in your plan for me”, feeling the weight and pressure that life will bring when it proves difficult. There have been many that I have seen growing up through the years that have handled things in a variety of ways, but the persons that stand out the most to me are those who stick to their faith.

It is inspiring because they go against the substance of what would attempt to speak to them to go another way, believe a different opinion. The bible questions our faith in a multitude of ways; even Jesus in the prime moments of breakthrough was often left at the very question of the existence of faith. One of the more direct self-examination questions in the bible speaks to the effect of “which report are you going to believe”, or in other words, where do you put your trust when you are walking in life’s valley?

As for me, I hope to inspire as Job did. Job says, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will defend my own ways before him.” When people or circumstances are the most difficult is when the greatest tests present the greatest opportunity to lead others to Christ!