Remember, It’s Not Just You Out There

I am so thankful to be serving a God whose presence wants to dwell within us. Words sometimes cannot begin to find what I need to say to express how grateful that I am that I have the comfort of the spirit to continue to lead me on.

One of the most important functions of the Holy Ghost (spirit) is that it is a teacher for you. The presence of God will not only teach you to stray from the things that would lead you out into sin in a greater way but also help you other aspects of your life as well!

I remember being in college and how I had such a hard time with a couple of particular classes that year. As I began to seek the Lord more for understanding, God provided in the simplest of ways and far beyond what I expected. You see, I didn’t have the patience or drive to try and learn anything so I would give up too quick. God gave me peace and patience to help me endure, and “D’s'” became “B’s”!

Remember: when you are in the middle of life, you are not alone! The spirit of God is there to help you and remind you that it’s not just you out there!