A Bid Farewell To The Amen Corner (Not Really) – Support Is A True Calling!

Over the many years that I have attended church, there has always been the classically stereotyped band of people that were always known as the super-supportive “amen-corner”. These were the kind of people that would stand through the beginning and end and were the greatest example of what support stood for. I could remember seeing people literally begin to grow and over time become a stronger individuals in God from the support of their brothers and sisters in Christ. There were MANY moments I am sure that people would have given up without the words of encouragement to pick them up after moments where they felt like they had failed. There were other moments I am sure where people came through like a breath of fresh air to revive someone that had been walking and carrying the load of a work for quite some time as well. Are we living in the day where we are seeing the end of support for one another? Has the amen corner truly fell?

To me, I do not think the amen corner will ever go. I do think however that the amount of support in the church for one another is at an all time low. And with the additions of newly committed lives to Christ, those lives are in need of continual refreshing and rejuvenation by those around them! I can honestly say that in my own personal life that there are 4-5 people (new or renewed in Christ) that I stay personally committed to on a constant basis by making sure that I encourage them and stay as a spiritual mentor to. This is such a vital piece, as they need to see me on my feet when they step out to obey God. They need to hear my words in person when they have stepped out for God and maybe faced a tough night. Most importantly, support needs to come when it counts the most: in a time of weakness! When God shows you by discernment when a person (or persons) are in weakness and are in a frail state, support them! Do what you are called to do to help them. Waste no expense to which you have in your resources to make a difference. In other words, love your neighbor as yourself.

Here is the tough part (I have had to learn this the hard way): I cannot guarantee that support will ever return back to you. The great part about being selfless for God is that the blessings of God will flow in your life for your service in Him! Always remember this when you give yourself for Him in service for others! It is worth every step, every word, and every mile of the journey! As for me, I’m in (the amen corner that is). There may be a day where you look and you stand alone, but never forget that God is with you!