Assumption Is Such A Powerful Thing….Be Careful To Pay Attention

Whether we like to admit it or not, there are multitudes of times when we will just fly through life on the simple basis of assumption. Let us say that I wanted to begin starting a list of from when I got up this morning of assumptions I actually caught myself thinking…

Just in a few hours I had found some simple assumptions that had crossed my mind. Things like:

  • my car will make it all the way to work without breaking down
  • when i am hungry i can acquire what i want to eat from money I possess
  • when i hit the power button on my electronics they will power up and start
  • if i call my wife she will answer the phone
  • if i type in in an internet browser that it will appear

One of the most wonderful parts about my spiritual life is the level of unwavering trust that I can have in God. There may be more assumptions that we all share together that can let us down, but God never will. Friends may not answer the phone or even respond with the in-season love you are looking for. You may still be waiting on that phone call of encouragement that has still not came. Or you may be a sign-seeker, crying out inside “Lord if that’s you show me”. Irregardless of what we assume there is always a constant that is there for your help: God HEARS the cries of the people! He will NEVER leave you NOR forsake you!

So just remember to not find yourself caught in the world of assumption as it may let you down in the most critical time. What we do have to remember, know and believe is that God is there and aware! All you have to do is lay down your troubles and find the true strength of the Holy Spirit!