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Take Me To The Place Where God Is Real

By the almighty grace of God I write to you today with a renewed zeal within my spirit. In fact, I write each post, sing each song, and minister through the word being renewed within myself daily. In fact, the bible instructs in multiple scriptures to be renewed within your mind and for it to be frequently addressed.  Some of you may wonder a couple things like a) what’s the point?  and 2) why daily?  

Throughout all of the bible you read the inspiring stories of triumph, victory and glory. When you hear people teach and minister over these moments do you ever ask yourself what it was within them that caused them to believe in the difficult times? I have often, especially in the most desperate moments of calamity; for when confusing is running rampart all about me I take moments in time and really try to understand where the men and women of God in the bible found their strength.

Take me to the place where God is real. I’m not just referring to counting your everyday blessings, but I am talking about a moment you can recall where you felt the presence of God strongly upon you. What happened in the moment when that transpired? Was there something amazing that happened?

I do not have to go very far back to find places throughout the history of my life where God was real for me. In a time when I needed deliverance from drug and alcohol addiction I found a very real experience through my sovereign savior. As I have testified in the past I literally felt the weights lift from the sin and attacks of my past. I was never the same. It was one of the pivotal points in my life where I went from knowing of God from others to knowing God for myself.

One of the key concepts that is part of the foundation for my life is that I am renewed in my present day from the blessings of my past. These same blessings are the stepping stones for my faith, leading me to know and believe that if God has performed miracles in my past that I can realize them through faith in my future! If I did not take the time to renew myself the faith I carry for a season may fade from my personal weakness.

I would have never thought the day would have come that when I would preach, teach or sing that I would see the crowd begin to get use to my obedience and therein decrease their active support. This day will come for anyone in an environment where you may be a part of a ministry in the long-term. So how do you stay effective for people that come in new? Take me to the place where God is real.

Every time that you will stir your faith by the blessings that were real to you it renews the hope within your heart to be effective and affectionate  in your anointing for others. Put simply, it’s the strength that stirs the joy within you even when people may fail you.

So where is it for you? Do you remember where that moment that stirs your heart? Take me to the place where God is real for you!

You Will Not Be Received Everywhere But Will Be Where God Wants You

One of the biggest lessons that I ever had to learn in my life was through a very hard personal experience. I share this testimony to you to speak for and to show how amazing the healing power of God’s spirit works. Or in other words, please read as a person of Godly character.

Since I have been born I have always been in church somewhere. Out of all the places that I have ever attended, there was one that I spent most of my time in. It was the church I grew up in, my heritage, my starting place. It was the venue that I started life in my mothers womb as she played piano at and grew up through the age of accountability. For a space of time once I began to enter into my teen years I had a falling away from church and God all together. In the few times that I made it to church though people loved me and helped me (even when I looked like I didn’t deserve it). However during this time and season I was going back and forth driving by that same place I had grew up all my life in and remembered all of the words and love that I had heard and felt all of my life…but yet a thought began to provoke me: where was the love I needed outside of the building?

As it turns out the same place that I had been educated and led by God to salvation would not be the venue of my prodigal son moment; for as it turned out it was in a place of completely different denomination and people I had never known. In the first few weeks of my deliverance I began to have a great boldness and zeal for God (as we mostly do starting out). I had actually announced my calling to preach and had began working in a few churches. It finally hit me one day, “Why don’t I go by and visit that church?” In doing so I came to discover something that left me greatly confused: not only was the reception different than it used to be but it declined with every visit.

When I realized what God was teaching me, my heart broke. I now knew something I did not know before. As I began phasing out it became evident that the lack of love and support was never to do with where I came from but where I was now. And whether anyone will ever read this or not I am stating it anyway: working together as churches, ministries and people should never be separated by a name on the door or the doctrine it represents. To this day the door has never been opened for me to come and minister to where my heritage began. I’m not grieved, though. In fact to this day I thank God that he appoints my open doors and sends me to places where I can be of help. And to this day I hold nothing against anyone and love each and every person dearly that helped be a part of the earlier years of my life. In fact, I have had an abundant outpouring of those who were rallying for me to continue to grow knowing the circumstance!

In conclusion, here’s what I leave you with today: if you have to leave all that you have known behind to step into your calling and walk in the favor of God, do it! If people will not receive you then let go of the affliction that this would bring (shake the dust from your feet) and move on. Please do not ever let anything be as a hindrance to the true will of God for your life!

What’s Your Superpower?

One of the hardest things to do in a ministry is not necessarily the work that you perform for others. When you are in the moment there is a part of you that steps up to do what God is calling you to do. What I have came to realize after being part of several different active ministries through the years is that the hardest thing we have a hard time doing is recognizing our talents and strengths.

Music has always been my life, so it was always a given for me that at some point in my life that God would use me and my family through the gift of song. To me, that was a given; in fact it was almost too easy to realize. However when a song is over, there you are: standing there in front of the people God has placed in front of you, and what do you do next? That question was one that lingered a long time. I’ve begun to realize in my latter days that the parts of you that you feel as though are sometimes useless can sometimes be your most powerful tools.

You see, I began to open my mouth and be willing for God to help me to encourage people. I guess you could say that I went from just music into music with exhortation. I loved encouraging people through my testimony and what I knew of the bible at the time. I had a new-found zeal and excitement because I discovered something that God had in store for me ahead in my future. Now? I’m involved in the full-blown ministry! I could have never imagined that. No one could have ever told me that this was the life I was stepping into.

If you only knew the transformation that has took place in my life. God has taken all of my weaknesses and began to make me strong. Instead of being addicted to drugs, I testify of freedom in Christ and teach and minister others to freedom in Christ! Now, instead of just thinking of all the things we wish we could reach out and say to everyone, we have an avenue by reaching through our online ministry!

Learn to recognize what you can do, and be willing to do more! You never know how far you might go if you have a willing heart and made up mind before God!

Await With Eagerness

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Isaiah 40:29-31

[29] He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
[30] Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
[31] But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Lately we have been trying to tackle topics of worrying, rejection, patience, and forgiveness. And in thought of all of those things that we have discuss, there is one thing that stands out that shares something with each and every one of those things: Waiting. It’s one of the things that we either love or hate to do, and sometimes is inevitable. Whether you are excited about getting your birthday present, or if you are waiting to hear if someone made it out of surgery fine, waiting is a constant in both aspects of life. It’s that span of time where you lose being in complete control while you are expecting an outcome. There are so many emotions that run around in your mind while you are in this period of time. And generally, by our own nature, we will try to bet on the outcome based on what we can see and what we know. And for those that live their lives without trusting the Lord, this can be a serious burden to bear.

So how can God help me out with waiting? What can God do to allow this burden in my life to be easier? Well, if we tried to take our own approach without God involved, the popular opinion would tell you to take the route of “buy it now” and settle for what is in front of you. You might be waiting on a direction for your life, a person to call your significant other, seeing someone saved, or many other possible situations. It always seems easier to follow where your own self would think you need to go, but with a little suffering through waiting, God will come to your rescue! Don’t just take the first thing that comes just because you are tired of waiting. Let God be your guide!

Let’s bring some scripture into this. As above in Isaiah, it says that those who wait will have their strength renewed. You won’t grow tired and slow down and be discouraged. Think about the walls of Jehrico, Paul and Silas in jail, Joseph lying in prison for years, all of which in their actions had go on about their lives and wait; but each of these with the outcome that God had planned for them! Our God is not weak. It might be tough, but we need to wait upon the lord even in the serious matters of your life. Replace your fears with excitement of what God will do, and your frustration with faith that God will do that great thing. Make it a goal to await with eagerness and let God prove himself to you.