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Singing and Speaking At The House of The Lord Youth Revival

Where can I even begin? So far, the past few days at the “Youth Explosion Revival” have been wonderful!

I have seen a great sense of want from each of these children, and I am happy hope that as of today that there have been 6 youth saved as a result of 4 days. For some of you out there, you may want to say that 6 is a drop in the bucket; but i want to just encourage you in knowing that I feel like they got the “real thing”, and not so much a 30 second hope.

This revival and everything that has been entailed in it has been so great. The House of the Lord has been very easy to work in: I feel free and at liberty to do what God has appointed me to, and more than that, I feel like I have the support of the body there.

So I just want to thank the Pastor and his staff, the body of believers, the great praise band, and most of all, the wonderful kids that have came out the past few days. You made this effort and this experience worth every part of it.

We are going to be in service tonight, and I invite anyone and everyone to come and be a part!  Invite someone that you know is in need today!

What’s Up? What’s New?

Greetings and God Bless! I thought it was time to deliver some new news for the month.

First of all, we have some dates posted where I will be holding my first ever youth revival. I’m really excited and hope that you can make it! See the events page for more details.

With the sun coming out, the summer singing season is in full swing. We are about to knock the rust off of all of the instruments as well as our voices, and are getting ready for a new season of the Lord! With that said, be ready and stay tuned on the web and radio for new content in the upcoming weeks!

We are considering expanding our radio domain throughout our entire county! We are currently in discussion and prayer about the matter, but will move on it soon!

Let’s see, what else? Site Changes!!! I am about halfway there on some of the news I delivered last month. Here are the updates we have rolled out already this month:

  • New “Live” page – we will now be posting live messages from our ministry
  • New “Events” page – we have now added a calendar tool which will give you all the information you need to find us in a locale near you
  • New “Small Thoughts” section – these are our “short” devotionals, or some of our writings that we composed but didn’t use live or on the radio. we’re sharing everything!
  • New “News” section – our news and updates have their own section now!