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Love Is The Root


1 Corinthians 13:4-7  – Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.


The passage above is one of my more favorite messages of Paul’s ministry. I realize that when it comes to what he stood for, Paul was a person that was probably rejected all the time; for it was not just in what he believed but how he battled for the equality of man through the love of God. It makes me consider why people are giving Christians bad attitudes: is it us or the gospel? People never knew you before you started letting the word of God lead you. I am sure you may have been well liked and highly favored among people.

Now? As we carry the word of God in us and deliver it to the lost rejection is abundant. We are not liked as we once were, and can now understand what it means to be persecuted for the gospels sake. Bees do not like it when you stir the hive, and people especially do not like feeling uncomfortable hearing the word of God! For those of you who fit into this example, read on with me! Paul said you could speak in the tongues of men and angels, have prophetic words, and know all the mysteries of the word. Most of us have an amazing talent, but need to work on what was addressed next; for he said without love it brings no profit for the kingdom of Heaven! If you let your obedience always be done in Godly love, rejection and persecution will be endured!


Think about the top 10 people or things that you are praying for. Are they in relevance to personal blessings? Are the prayers only for those you love and not your enemies? Do you withhold prayers for people just because they upset you? Paul’s teaching was groundbreaking because it took religion out of the gifts and callings of God. Through the love of Christ we must learn to love, serve and forgive everyone equally. If you serve God without love you will be leading a very empty spiritual life. Learn to do all things with love, and with this kind of effort God moves mountains and leads us through the dark valleys!

Out Of The Abundance Of The Heart


Matthew 12:34-35 – O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.


When I consider my everyday worship to God it is easy for me to see the great things that begin to come forth from my spirit as I do it. You will find people who dwell in the love of God to be friendly, open and forgiving. In short, the attributes you will display in your personal life come from what is living within your spirit. It is easy to agree and feel that God lives in your heart, right? If you know that God is in there then doubt cannot ever overcome again! However, there will come a point where just having the knowledge of it in your heart may not be enough to keep you in more difficult times. I see people each and every day that know God in their heart but have little or no abundance. Their joy could be far above what they possess but because they think they survive by what they have in knowledge it causes decline in their spirit. I encourage you to start living in your potential abundance. That abundance is when you push past all the times you feel bad, all the times you do not want to worship, and especially all the times that we could say that we feel lazy or idle.

We read in the word of God in Luke 6:45 that we essentially bring out of us whatever lives within us. If God is in your life then the result of what is in your heart will flow out of you. Worship will become natural to you and there will not be a battle or debate about it! Do not let others around you that would try to choke out your spirit life succeed in doing so. Step out for God and do not look back. Fulfill your vision and do not be moved in the will of God for your life! Clap your hands, raise them, jump up and down, shout, teach, preach, exhort, prophesy, intervene, go the extra mile! Move and worship as God lead!


After a stressful day you experience I encourage you to examine what came forth from your spirit to help or hurt you. If you examine with honesty you will find room for change!

Power Off? Turn The Lights On!

When you are surrounded by so many things that try to physically and emotionally affect you, it will eventually pull you down spiritually if you are not too careful. We have to begin to remember to use the only thing that can begin to lift us up in the times when we are surrounded by the darkness of the world: the light of Christ! I speak a word of encouragement to you today!

Don’t wait too long before you begin to take advantage of all the tools and provision that God has given to us each and every day: prayer, fasting, reading the word of God, exhortation, all the gifts of the spirit, and truly stepping out in obedience! Always be a Godly witness and walk in the light! As He is in the light! When you do this, people are drawn and led in the direction you are leading! When you operate in the things you are called in, it inspires others to move in their callings. You could say your anointing and zeal rubs off!

Always remember that where Christ is dominant in your life that nothing else can be above that. It may take the appearance that it is, but it is not. Remember; no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and there is nothing that could ever be said or done to you that could ever prove true when you are walking in the name of Jesus Christ!

Sometimes It Hurts, Sometimes It Helps


John 15:20 – Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.


When it comes to encouraging others the reaction you receive will always vary. You can sometimes give someone just what they need, while in other moments the other person may appear agitated. It could even be a right now word that you speak that touches their life and yet they still reject you. An important part to remember in ministry work is that even the best encouragement cannot alter a stubborn spirit. All that we can do in any situation is offer God through love and obedience so that the people you witness to can begin to know the source of help and encouragement through the wisdom and spirit of God you share!

There will be other times, however, when the words will begin to fail you. When a person is in a circumstance long enough, they will begin to look back at you and simply say they have “heard this all before” or that you just “do not understand”. Remember that pursuing harder is not always the best option. You must learn to follow the leadership of how God’s spirit would have you to counsel others. There were times when Christ offered to people words of encouragement and faith. For example, Jesus spoke to the woman at the well to draw from the fountain of living water, extending choice to a new way of life. When the man was at the pool at Bethesda, Jesus spoke for him to take up his bed and walk, encouraging him to take the action in faith! Just remember as a witness of God to always follow the Holy Spirit when you go out to help people and you will never be led astray by your own actions, words or opinions!


God’s spirit always has the most perfect timing when it comes to when actions and obedience need to be interjected into a situation. Think about moments when worship and preaching have really changed your life. Was it not when you were really going through something and needed help? Find those moments with people as you pray for God to show you and learn when to bring out the best of your love and compassion for others.

Are You Living Or Existing?

Galatians 5:25  – If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 13:11 – Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

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I wanted to reach out today to talk about your everyday living. Some of us stay at home and some of us work, while others are dedicated for other hobbies or interests in life. It is interesting to me that when church-goers are inquired about the level of enjoyment that they have that the consensus is usually “so-so” or “not very much”. That really makes me sad to know, considering the guidelines that was laid out in the word of God for us to realize what we can be so much more than average.

God sent Jesus Christ for everyone so we would never have more of a load than we could bear and provided a way of escape from sin! I want to remind you about the peace of God and the joy of the Lord being your strength! I also remind you about how a merry heart doeth good like a medicine! It is healthy for you to be enjoying your life! It is healthy for you to be happy! Do you have to be living in sin and doing horrible things to accomplish this? No way!

Life has many present joys out there to offer that you can begin to take in through God. Including God in your life will allow you to begin to live and not just exist. If you are doing something without seeking God and His will about it, you may be in the existence of sin without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. However, if you begin to live when the spirit leads you to joy through your trials, you will be strengthened through the provision of what God gives each day! Remember to not just exist, but live and do all things THROUGH Christ!

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Put Into Practice:

Learn to simply not accept any present situation as it is if you are not satisfied with how you feel that it is going. If you feel like you need to pray about something to get peace, I suggest you do it. If you need to sing to bring joy in the moment, do it! If you need to study Gods word more often to give you more guidance, do it! If you need to be humble and more spiritual to endure the harder things ahead of you, do it! The most important thing that I could say for you is to find a part of you that you need to work on and take action! The biggest harm that you could do against yourself is when you do nothing to help.

Do whatever you can to improve your walk with God. Heed to each and every word that you get and let it stick to you like glue. Do not let go of the great things that God will work in your life, for they will begin to build you to the person that you never thought you could be. You will live in the love you never thought you could. But most of all, you will see all your hopes and dreams begin to come alive right before your eyes. Love God, others and yourself!

New And Upcoming Web Content!

As of today, we have added 3 new features that you may or may not have noticed in the past few days:

1) Verse of the day – This will simply be a random daily verse for you to enjoy! It has the ability to be played back for you (if you have your sound on), or you can click on the verses to go and read more!

2) Where are we next? – This shows any places that we will be within the current week! If you are interested in seeing where we will be beyond the current week, just go to our events page!

3) Where to study today – This is adapted from the “read the bible in a year” plan, and shows the daily chapters to pace yourself reading if you would like to continually refresh yourself in the word of God each year! It’s worth it if you try it!

More features coming soon! God Bless You!

What Being A Light Brings For You

This post might not be for everyone, but that’s okay. I feel led to write this one today, and I hope that to whomever this is for, that it speaks to your life.

I remember so many times in the earlier years in my life how easy that it was to get in a place where I felt like I was far away from anyone that could try and help me. What I didn’t realize at the time was that when I would begin to isolate myself and allow myself to be further and further from God and closer and closer to sin, I was essentially walking further and further into darkness.

More often than not I didn’t want people to see me in that condition or try and help me because I felt so unworthy for people to even look upon me. When people become so possessed with sin, it becomes as a terrible disease and corrupts the very will of a person.

I praise God for being delivered from all of that depression and desire to want to leave the world and wanting to lead such a miserable life! God truly changed me! I’m so happy about that, if you only knew!

Now that I am of a better understanding of the word of God and am willing to listen, I have learned some valuable lessons. I have learned that if I focus continually on God that my carnal mind is NOT allowed to bend the will of God in me. The light of God in my mind that stays focused each day is able to see the tricks and plans of the enemy WAY ahead of time (because your watching AND praying!) and I actually retain joy and peace that it build within me.

A light in my life most importantly lets my character be a witness to others! That’s what we are! Witnesses of Christ to a forsaken world! Remember that!

The Evidence Of Things Not Seen

Hebrews 11:1  – Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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I would like to talk about the other half of the phrase of faith, which is said in the bible to be “the evidence of things not seen”. Carrying from the same theme from the last page, I would like to define evidence: The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid; Information given personally, drawn from a document, or in the form of material objects, tending or used to establish facts in a legal investigation or admissible as testimony in court; Signs; indications

Most of what persuades about evidence is usually defined by things that we can be persuaded with by sight. And yet, when we read the word of God, we base our faith upon evidence of things we cannot see. For those who do not believe God, this is ludicrous. It is often referred to as being “absurd” at the ideal of people believing in faith to a higher power. When you think about it, it would be easy to understand this point of view if you did not know the experience of having an everyday relationship with God. That is why it is so important to have one! I am proud to say that in big and small ways that I practice faith every day! I pray, believe and trust God for things that I could only reach by hope in God and not my own power. That is how that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! By faith! Remember that we cannot always base our hopes on what we can see, but we build our faith in the hope through Christ the way will be made for you!

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Put Into Practice:

At some point in each of our lives we have had to either experience or know someone who has went through a time where they were losing a loved one. When someone is slowly dying and deteriorating, there are two different ways that people can really handle speaking over it: with or without hope. I know in my own personal experiences that throughout some of my loved ones that I saw slowly leaving this life that in my heart I was hoping continually. My mind was not going to be persuaded that they were getting worse, even when I began to hear reports that tried to persuade me otherwise.

The point that I am trying to get across is that we have to begin to face some of our worst situations with speaking hope and things that are not as though they are. Give this a shot: find one thing that you know that you have been working on to a change for a while and truly speak (or write down) a sincere statement of faith. If you are bold enough, speak it faithfully to someone else. If you are even bolder, speak it to someone else and ask them to help you pray. Seek God and begin to allow your faith to build. That is how it begins! It builds by the great things that God has done in the experiences of your past and the hope that you build for the future victories that are ahead of you! And as you make it through another mountain, it is yet another step up closer to a faith that you will not leave!

The Substance Of Things Hoped For

Deuteronomy 7:9 – Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;

Psalm 143:1 – Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.

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When I begin trying to understand important phrases in the word of God, I try and comprehend the roots of the important pieces that apply in my life. When we think of faith, we think of “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”, right?

In considering the meaning of substance, one would know several relevant definitions: The quality of having a solid basis in reality or fact; The quality of being dependable or stable; The quality of being important, valid, or significant; The most important or essential part of something; the real or essential meaning.

The basis of the beginnings for what I hope for (in faith to God) has to be the most important thing to me. The “substance” or “essence” of what exists to what I believe God for must exist and has to be active within me! A substance is something that exists! This could be: your thoughts in prayer standing in the gap for others, believing God for deliverance for those that are bound, or trusting God for your own trials! All of these different types of things to believe God for begin to be unlocked upon the basis of your faith!

So I ask today, what is the substance that you have in your mind? What are you hoping for in your heart? Are you hoping? Change your frame of mind and set in your mind the hope for what you want to believe God can do, for God has no limits! Do not allow your heart to be broken simply on what you have seen or heard. Set your sights beyond that by seeing through what the word of God has provided you with. Faith!

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Put Into Practice:

One of the hardest things that I ever had to overcome was trusting God to move for my job. I was not happy where I was, and was definitely in a state where I had little faith. For a while there I truly thought I was going to be stuck! However, as we (being me and my wife and other family members) began to bind together for what seemed like months upon months, God moved and opened another opportunity for me!

It could have been easy to have stopped praying and to have stopped being faithful. And if it were easy to be faithful and endure to the end of each trial, everyone would be doing it! So I ask you to find the hard things in your life and begin to dedicate time in prayer and dedicate faith to believing the better outcome and to release yourself from feeling stuck forever!

Finding Clarity Through The Fog

Proverbs 29:18 – Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

2 Corinthians 12:1 – It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.

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One of the easiest things for people to do in the midst of a confusing situation is to simply give up. Giving up is usually followed a by decreased obedience, which in turn leads to a prolonged spiritual death. A spiritual death means that there is no life to you to draw strength from God. In essence, it is like walking through the fog with no vision. We are going only on our sense of what we think is right to do. When you consider that and our rate of failure, it scares me.

It scares me to think that people are going through the motions of life and being a part of it but doing it blindly without any purpose or knowingly what they want from it. You see, the entire basis of belief to God and Jesus Christ is through faith. In the midst of the fog of confusion, my faith is unlocked when I hope upon the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. I may not know where I am at in a trial because it is new or I may be too emotionally connected. What do I know? I do know of what God has already done for me! I have the roads of hope in my life that I have traveled and made it through before!

The only clarity that I can find in the midst of chaos is trusting God and to know that if He has done it before, that He will do it again. God will never leave or forsake His children! You should know that you are not alone and should not be wandering around in life without God. Recognize your guide, and let him lead you! We should not try to take the “grab life by the horns” approach because the latter outcome of this is usually a guaranteed failure. We cannot realize the outcome of any future for any trial. God sees into our tomorrows! Allow God to be the light in the midst of your darkness! Turn the lights on! Find some clarity through the word of God and all the spiritual things that will lift you above the hard times and let you see things for what they truly are!

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Put Into Practice:

When I first began to drive, I always wondered why it was so hard to drive through fog with the lights on the brightest setting. I thought, “You would think the most amount of light would get you through the fog, right?” In all reality, the best solution was to use a dimmer light and to hear the wisdom of others. That is the advice I give you today. When you hear a great God-given word to you, try not to resist it to bad and think your brighter ideas will solve it all. Trust your brothers and sisters in Christ that bring the word of God at your churches to give you the right now word to lead you through tough times! And if you are not getting it there, pray for it!