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The Reason I Go On Is God

I tend to stray away from writing anything about me, but I feel led to start out with a few thoughts about me to make the bigger point of today.

The bulk of my personal ministry is tied in with my church ministry. In our personal ministry we host a media and message web site, put together a weekly radio broadcast, go to regularly scheduled visits to one of our local nursing homes, participate in a full-time writing and book ministry, as well as going to any church that God leads us to so we can sing and preach. Our church ministry that we co-pastor at is currently in an ongoing building project, holding choir practices, Sunday school, as well as our two regular services every week. And upon getting the call we go and perform house visits or will have group or family prayer nights at least once or twice a week. I add one last piece to say most of our family works full-time jobs and have up and coming families that attend different churches. In a way I am truly amazed, while in another I am brought to a thought.

When I go over this list sometimes it begins to attempt to discourage me simply because most of this does not allow for rest or time off. We have found through the years that helping people spiritually is a full-time job!

So with all of this said, why go on? I am sure you have asked yourself this question at some point in your walk with God.

As for me, the reason I go on is God. People have failed me along the way, but God has never let me down. Circumstances have attempted to destroy me, but the comfort of the holy ghost has came right on time. In summation, when all has failed you God will have opportunities to prove mighty and wonderful. I go on for others that in faith that in time they will come through something that will help them finally realize the fullness of God and the spirit that lives and dwells within them!

So ask yourself today, why do you go on?

The Power And Influence Of A Negative Attitude Towards Others

I would like to start out today with a short story. The other day my wife and I were about to watch a movie at a local theater. After getting our tickets and concessions we proceeded to head into the viewing room. As we made our way in and were about to sit down, we were met with an awkward surprise. The man behind us proceeds to immediately speak ill of where we were going to sit (in front of them), thus taking the Lords name in vain. After we very quickly decided to relocate to bring peace to this mans issue two questions came to mind. The first question was “Was acting that way worth the satisfaction to have an unobstructed view?”. Obviously I knew that the answer to that was no, but a question that reflect the bigger picture came up:

How much are people convinced in our walk with God when we possess an negative attitude?

Answer: People are directly affected by your demeanor.

When this is brought in sync with our walk with God, this takes on a completely different thought. Are people drawn to Christ when I lose it over getting my seat at the movies? Chances are the answer is 100 percent NO. There was only one thing that Christ operated in when He walked in the midst of adversity: love. That same love branched out to have all other virtues. I can hear the scriptures in my mind reminding me about how patient and kind love can be. If you have the love of God in your heart and are using it you will in turn reflect attributes of it. This means losing it over the silliest of things merits no excuse for why we lack in being a witness for God.

Whether you be at the movies, shopping, eating, at work, at home, or even…yes that’s right…at church one thing is clear: it is easy to see that we need to be on guard and aware of our attitude no matter where we are! The most important word I could leave you with while we evaluate ourselves on this would be the word of God, which says “Continue ye in my love”. Let us continue to show demonstrated love through patience and kindness on all venues and not give in to being short-fused!

Answering The Hard Questions: Why Is It So Hard For Me To Pray?

This may not be an everyday question that we are thinking all the time, but it is certainly a stumbling block we have all faced at some point in our walk with God. To keep this short and something we can walk away from after reading, I would like to list 3 key answers:

1) A lack of separation, or being “too close” to what holds you back.

So let us say that I am going to have some prayer time because I want to quick smoking. If I literally just got through having a cigarette and am about to start praying while I am next to the ash tray and can still smell the smoke, the chances are of having a supernatural faith is very small. Why? If I am being hindered literally by the very thing I want victory over, then I must separate myself from it. Smoking is a very physical example as you can touch and feel what is afflicting you. Your situation may be a person, place or emotional object that is getting in the way. Remember before you begin to get yourself as separate from the things that are hindering you as you can. You would be surprised at how much of an effect having a quiet place is. This is not to say that you could not put on some praise and worship music to help you, but please do not be moved by a song: be moved by the faith that is in you to petition to God!

2) Little willingness to be humble or give up pride.

For our second example, let us say that there is a major problem with a person controlling the content of inappropriate language. If this person was asked if they had a problem, the answer can indicate where pride is in two ways. The first way would be to admit there is a problem, or being humble enough to admit that it is something that is a problem to your well-being. The second way is when a person will not admit the problem and to give the paraphrased “I’m fine”. This is a great indicator of having too much pride to be humble to any issue. Victory in God begins when we come and confess. God wants to mold each and every issue you have, and without the acknowledging the failures we have pride always wins over prayer! Be willing to simply admit that, “I need help”. This is a great step in the right direction to start a prayer!

3) Missing a habit or the continuing effort to pray every day.

For my job, I am driving myself back and forth each and every day. Driving is a habit that through continual practice is able to be kept and retained so long as I am willing to do so. However if I just stopped driving all together for great lengths of time I cannot imagine that I would get behind the wheel with the same confidence or willingness to “take off” that I would have when it happened frequently. With that said, there is definitely something to praying every day! Praying every day will keep you from having the “first-time” anxieties each and every time you try. Making it a habit will only build up the faith and confidence in God therefore creating an easier feeling to get the first word out!

There are so many more examples and things to be said here, but I want the mission of this word to be simple: Separate, Be Humble, and Pray Often!

I Am So Glad This Walk Of Life Is Not By Sight – An Out Of The Box Wake Up Call

I am so thankful for another day to be writing to each and every one of you. I count it such a joy with every thought and keystroke that God blesses me with. There is just something rolling out of my heart today through the prayers and thinking upon God that I am reminded of and as of late recently revived: I am so glad this walk of life is not driven by sight! It is driven by the faith that lives inside of us! What do you mean, you ask? Oh do tell, do I hear? Oh, well as a matter a fact I was just about to give a good elaboration. 🙂

As we are saved by the wonderful grace of God, we start out of the gate with the renewing of our minds. We have that brand new perspective! We are babes in Christ, found as precious as children in the sight of God! There is encouragement around every corner from everyone and it seems like that the skies could not be found any more blue and grass any likewise green (come on, I am light-heartedly chuckling a little). The most important thing looking back on that moment in time is that there was what I will call FRESH FAITH, which to me is to say that sort of “brand new Holy Ghost anointed unmovable” faith. It is the measure that we have always had, but finally are opened up to recognize. I am imagining I just heard someone say…”then what happens next?”. I will gladly tell you!

I know this is not going to be the case for every single person in the world. We must also acknowledge that every life is unique in the sight of God! With that said, every single life that starts that relationship with Jesus Christ begins a walk with God. As we continue in the life of a Christian, that ‘FRESH FAITH’ is as we say made stale by the ever-so-many influences that are about it. It could be a poor environment to grow and promote a person spiritually. It could be people that as we know should be promoting a strong Godly influence but tend to fail in the same area. Please do not misunderstand me here. I know we do not intentionally ever try to make anyone stumble. It is the case to plea however that when we are not a reflective witness of God and are not in full obedience of His spirit and love that we do fall short at times! The most important influences that can pull us around and around (I could say that part a million times) are all of the small tiny things that people think are OKAY. For each person it is different but is the very thing that keeps them either from humbleness, charity, or the ability to be low and without pride.

So when do we hear the alarm go off? I am so glad you asked!

It is in those moments where you know you should obey God but you do not. It is the second right before you hold your peace yet on the inside you hear yourself testifying. It is when you are singing that you know there is a deeper song that lives inside you. It is when you preach that you hear that strong word rising forth from you, yet the fear quenches it and leaves you preaching the same four to five messages in your arsenal. I know that whomever is taking the time to read this will find their place within these parts, for as we all know there is always something we could step out more in. We find these parts to grow through every day seeking and renewing!

I can honestly say that there is a renewing going on in my life. All I know is that in all of the small moments in life that I am starting to come into the realization of what God wants me to do. I am awakened and revived today from what God has been dealing with me about. I will not wait for the imaginary person to ask me this time. Here are four new revelations I am responding to in my life:


Continue to strive to be renewed DAILY. There is nothing more important than this.

Come boldly to the throne-room of grace and will not be hindered in my prayers. This is not to say that you come charging with a physical boldness, but with a faith that is unmovable and unwavering.

Be more humble in all things. ALL THINGS. There is no exception. There is grace that is given to the humble, and the meek shall inherit the earth.

Walk not by sight, but by the faith that lives inside me. I will no longer be ruled by what I see, hear or attempted to be influenced by.

Here’s A Little Advice: Be Careful With Multitasking

In the busiest of times that we are in, we find ourselves trying to wear many hats, balance many plates, and be in 10 places at once. It is the never ending struggle to supply the world with its demand for the only thing we can give: ourselves. Now I am a total advocate for making the most of your time; quite frankly I only allow a few moments of time where I am not doing something. However, as I have been praying lately and learning through the trials of my own life, I have something to share with you today. It goes a little something like this:

Beware of multitasking, as it is not multitasking at all. Be careful with this ‘act’, especially with your walk with God. It is fun and fair to say that it can be argued that there should be ‘me’ time, ‘us’ time, ‘family’ time, ‘friend’ time, ‘hobby’ time, ‘work’ time, etc. Trust me, there has been every reasonable argument pass through my mind and ears to attempt and persuade me that God can just be incorporated in some way….BUT NOT SO!

That’s where I feel as a minister that we are missing the 1-2 punch on the enemy. We are in our weakness when we do not dedicate enough ‘God’ time. The word of God speaks of seeking the Kingdom of Heaven in essence ‘alone and above all things’, because all other things were bundled and were aforementioned to be added to you at the conclusion of seeking God. Studies have even began to show that our balancing acts are no acts at all, and that we can only truly devote our concentration to one piece fully.

So today? Seek God first before you begin trying to do everything else. You would be surprised how some of the pieces in your life would begin to fall into place as the favor of God, which of more word than gold and silver, will begin to transform your life and do great things. Stick to that singular mind of serving God to the fullest!

New Beginnings and Old Endings

Welcome to another year in your life! If you are reading this today, than God has a spectacular plan in store for you in the upcoming future. One would ask, “how do you know this about me when you do not know me?”, and my response is simply this: it is God’s pleasure to do great things and to be glorified through your life!

As you embark upon this next few months, do not make resolutions that will fall through just as they always do. Make some fresh commitments to Christ and get out there and start beginning to make a difference in your life and the lives of others!

Do not let another year go by with doubt and regret. Step out and do the things you were afraid to do before. Be more obedient and faithful to believe in what God is trusting you to do. There are lives hanging in the balance all around you, whether you may realize it or not.

Most importantly, remember your self worth and the worth of your walk with God. Never forget its value in the good or bad times and always remember to utilize every part that God has placed in you to give you strength for the trials ahead.

May God bless you abundantly this year, and I pray that everyone’s churches and ministries go further than they ever imagined!

Prayer And Worship – A Spiritual Formation Guide

When I first saw this book and thumbed through it, I wondered if it would be something that I would truly enjoy or not. I can say now after making my way through it that I am glad that I picked it up.

The book in essence not only covers what it’s title says (Prayer and Worship) but attempts to touch on some other areas (trusting, celebrating, waiting, asking, longing) as well. What I enjoyed doing the most was actually writing within the book the answers that it was asking about me personally. This gives a reader a good opportunity to verbalize on paper and get things out to where they can think and meditate. I loved it, and would recommend it for anyone who likes this style of book and wants a deeper walk with God in praise and worship.

And always remember when you are done with one, pass it on or recommend! That helps the ones who work so hard to write them!

Check out: Prayer And Worship – A Spiritual Formation Guide – ISBN 978-0-06-084125-6

Click image for full size.

In Anticipation With Desperation, There Is Still God

One of the main parts (as we will call it) that is an essential on a walk with God to keep it stable is faith. It’s the balance in the midst of panic that keeps the boat from rocking and turning over. It’s the self-control that keeps us from opening our mouth up to all of your loved ones to complain about how it “might not” happen. And most importantly, if used and applied in our lives daily it can be the part of us that moves mountains while we’re still here.

Trust me, I want to be spirit led but faith driven! In the midst of it all today, keep your eyes on God and your head up. Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy that you have in Him. Nothing can compare to the level of peace you obtain when you sit on a solid foundation.

If there is no other lesson that I have learned in my life right now more than ever, it is: when you are right in the middle of everything you are going through in the midst of your tests of great expectation and you lose all of your support systems you were comfortable with, there is still God! When you are desperate to make a difference and you feel like you cannot after so long, God will move on your behalf to make a way for you! You will begin to feel that revival in your heart even when no one else does! You’ll feel the spirit of God encourage you and remind you that you’re alive!

In anticipation with desperation, there is still God!

Stay In Shape. Walk With God Today!

One of the toughest things for a child of God to do in the day we live in is to simply be stable. We live in such hard times that it is very easy to get in this pattern of “ups and downs”. While I know that there are going to be mountains and valleys purposed for our lives to endure, what I would like to refer to is something a little more direct.

Let’s bring it to comparison:

A person could lose 100 pounds and feel such a weight lifted off of their life. It’s easy to tell the difference on your body when you walk, sleep and function each and every day. It’s safe to also assume that this weight did not come off without some kind of effort. We know that there are “quick” solutions out there that will help drop 5 or 10 pounds here and there, but this kind of loss could only come with continual efforts driven by a person willing to work for the goal of seeing it through! If this same person stopped exercising all together and just ate anything in the world with no care for themselves, the weight would be back instantly and all the efforts would have been lost.

That’s where I’m at with what’s on my heart today. When we can learn to recognize when we are putting on too many burdens that are unnecessary, we can start laying off the weights that easily beset us through prayer each day. God is calling us to a more intimate relationship. In order to stay in great spiritual shape, efforts must be continual and the drive must stay within the heart and mind. The drive within your heart is by your own choice. We can either choose to pray off our burdens or not. We can either choose to be spiritually strong by allowing God to help us or we can eventually put all of the weight back on that we work so hard to lose!

Don’t let it all pile up! Stay in shape and walk with God today!

You Have To Acknowledge Them Sometime!

Whether it be sometime today or some “when” down the road, there comes a time for everyone when the feelings that we are carrying become too much for us to bear. It could be a compilation of events that have overwhelmed you or might even be one small issue. Acknowledging our feelings that we have inside of us at any rate has to be done. The only way that we can truly live in peace is when we give release to the things that are holding us captive. You can generally tell when something has you captive when it continually cycles through your mind or when it is sensitive to you as it comes up. Trust me, this is something we all have to handle and keep in check! It directly affects not only your walk with God in general but the obedience to God as well!

So what do we do? Well, there are many avenues to this solution! You could choose to stand during your next worship service and praise your way out of it. You could get down at the altar at church or at your home and begin to cry out for peace and dominion over the things that try to rule your mind. You can begin reading the word of God and searching it for the countless pieces of wisdom and leadership that is available to you. The point of all of this is two simple things: we have to acknowledge the issues and then bring them to God and allow a change to occur. With this you are able to move on with the next chapter of your life instead of still being stuck in chapter 2 when someone hurt you. With the peace and joy of the Lord you are writing your future instead of living in your past!

The love of God we are talking about today (perfect love) casts out all fear! Acknowledge your feelings and fears and allow the love of God to dominate and be greater!