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Do You See The Web? Take A Double Take!

When you look at the picture at first glance it is not obvious that a trap has been set. Such as the same way with our adversaries of life, right? And as some insect is flying by with no regard to caution they become stuck followed by being destroyed. This visual example is easy and is easily laughed about but is ever so true when it comes to being more aware of your spiritual environment. As we walk on with God it is ever so important to always remember to watch and pray, or what I like to call the double take. You see, just attempting to watch something may not reveal its true intention at first. That is where prayer comes in! Praying brings our spiritual being to the forefront, causing our focus to be on things we may have not seen at first or even things we neglected to even see at all. The bible speaks to this sort of awareness in a passage that says in short that “a person who walks in the light will not stumble”.

To be in the light is to come clean in your life before God, and to use your light in this case is to examine the environment of things that may try to harm you! Please be aware of the enemy’s tactics and traps by living clean (walk in the light) and giving a double take to what’s around you (watch and pray to battle temptation). By doing so you will avoid being so easily swayed and discourage when we are in our appointed tests! So in conclusion, you may not see the traps but God can lead you to not fall in them by being nigh unto prayer and letting the spirit lead you!

Power Off? Turn The Lights On!

When you are surrounded by so many things that try to physically and emotionally affect you, it will eventually pull you down spiritually if you are not too careful. We have to begin to remember to use the only thing that can begin to lift us up in the times when we are surrounded by the darkness of the world: the light of Christ! I speak a word of encouragement to you today!

Don’t wait too long before you begin to take advantage of all the tools and provision that God has given to us each and every day: prayer, fasting, reading the word of God, exhortation, all the gifts of the spirit, and truly stepping out in obedience! Always be a Godly witness and walk in the light! As He is in the light! When you do this, people are drawn and led in the direction you are leading! When you operate in the things you are called in, it inspires others to move in their callings. You could say your anointing and zeal rubs off!

Always remember that where Christ is dominant in your life that nothing else can be above that. It may take the appearance that it is, but it is not. Remember; no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and there is nothing that could ever be said or done to you that could ever prove true when you are walking in the name of Jesus Christ!