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Some Days I Feel Like Hiding Like Jesus Did (John 8:59)

There are some days when I feel like hiding away from persecution as Jesus literally hid and stole away from the confused and angry around Him. More often then not, especially in times of lowliness, I wish I could hide completely. The reality behind why I choose not to is that I will miss the glory of God moments and blessings that is purposed for me to have (that in turn give me strength to go on). When you read this part in the eighth chapter of John it is a direct confrontation between Jesus and the Jews. Throughout this passage you can read as the tension begins to build over their unbelief as they listened to Christs words of believing in the son of God.

John 8:59 “Therefore they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple.”

Reading this passage should bring out one very strong point: Jesus’s appointed time had not come yet.

If it were meant for Christ to have fulfilled His divine purpose than all of the prophetic word before Him would have been fulfilled. Yet there were still things to come to pass that gave beyond any doubt the reason to know He came to fulfill the word spoken before His existence. There was a moment that had to be greater than this to even come close to how many of our transgressions were to be forgiven by His ultimate sacrifice. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that the small moments we suffer are not for us to dwell in for always; for through these opportunities to overcome we gain faith over a few things so we can begin to have dominion over the real challenges in life. If you can manage to keep your true hurts and problems in the hands of God you will be able to overcome!

When It Starts To Get Bad Make It Better


Matthew 5:23-25 –  Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.


Plenty of people told me in my youth about how exciting life was going to be. I learned really quick as I started out that no person could have prepared me for the way life would surprise. There are all sorts of circumstances that occur that will challenge your walk with God. You can try to run as fast as you can from the trial but at some point you will have to face it head on. I wish I could say that it was going to be an easy experience that you endure, but often it ends up being tough. Conquering our life battles with victory is truly what defines you. What defines you and builds your character are the experiences you have and the decisions that you make (as well as the rewards and consequences of those).

I have discovered that no matter what kind of mess I am in that I can have redemption in a trial through prayer and repentance! We must yield our pride and ask God for forgiveness for our sins and transgressions! By God’s grace and mercy we have the ability to move forward and overcome. I would not be able to make it through life without the peace that comes by prayer! Do not live stuck in things that you think that you have live with to forever. Give God your issues and allow the spirit to dwell in your life in a greater way. Nothing is impossible to God, and is in fact but a small thing! I encourage you to remember who the God that you serve or and embrace that relationship. Do not let life get worse while you are still able to make it better!


Battle through something that has hurt you and pray that God will forgive you for your feelings of bitterness and anger. And as you overcome, pray God show you how to improve something that is within your means to do (forgive someone, being benevolent).

How Much More?

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As we look more intently at the cross, the tomb, the resurrection, and the ascension at this time of the year, let us consider what immeasurable love and grace we have been given. Let us begin to meditate on “how much more” has been granted to us by the blood of Christ.  Being born of the flesh, we are of a sinful nature. Descending from the first man, Adam, we have sin, and thus death pronounced upon us from the moment that we have knowledge of good and evil. God, as our Creator and Loving Father, wanted us to be restored to that blessed state of fellowship that He created us to have with HIm. So, God gave His law unto us, but we being weak in the flesh did not keep that law. Under the law, atonement had to be made for our transgressions against God when His law was broken. This atonement was in the form of animal sacrifices that was offered to God.

The blood of the sacrificial animals offered by the Levitical priesthood that God had ordained covered the peoples’ sins, but only for a season. The high priest would enter into the Holiest of Holies once a year to offer sacrifice for the people’s sins. The blood of the bulls, goats, and heifers was sprinkled upon the people, sanctifying and purifying the flesh for another year. It was with the blood of the animals with which the high priest entered into the holy place, not with his own blood. Only the flesh was purified, not the soul of man. No mention is made of purification for the soul or for any atoning that was eternal, that would last for “good”.

However, when Christ came, everything was changed.  Everything was made new. Christ entered into that Holy Place, into the very presence of His Father, with his own blood and offered himself, a sacrifice without spot or blemish! Unlike the high priest, it took only one trip for the Lamb of God! How much more? How much more was Christ’s sacrifice sufficient to atone for our sins? Jesus’ blood Purifies, Sanctifies, and Seals the soul of a man eternally. That is just a minute description of “how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” It is so much more that it can take us, the vilest sinners, wash us clean, give us a new heart and mind, and lead us with His Holy Ghost into a life of peace and joy that will never end.

When Jesus died on Calvary’s cross, the veil in the temple that separated man from the Holy Place was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. God, by accepting the complete and perfect sacrifice of His Son, opened up His throne room to “whosoever will”. When we accept Jesus Christ as our atonement, we enter into the Holiest of Holies, into the very presence of God. God makes a person who believes and accepts the blood of His Son as the atonement for their sins as a priest- a priest who has access to God’s presence, His mercy and grace.

Jesus, our great High Priest, passed into the heavens and has become our mediator to the Father. We do not have a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

As God’s redeemed, we will never have to worry about bringing a bull or goat to offer for our sins. Jesus was God’s lamb that He gave so that we could have life and have it more abundantly.  Jesus’ blood is the only cure for man’s sin-sick soul. All He asks is that we offer Him our heart, our love, and devotion. He wants to take a life that is empty and hopeless without Him, and give that soul eternal joy, peace, and fellowship in His Holy Presence.