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Assumption Is Such A Powerful Thing….Be Careful To Pay Attention

Whether we like to admit it or not, there are multitudes of times when we will just fly through life on the simple basis of assumption. Let us say that I wanted to begin starting a list of from when I got up this morning of assumptions I actually caught myself thinking…

Just in a few hours I had found some simple assumptions that had crossed my mind. Things like:

  • my car will make it all the way to work without breaking down
  • when i am hungry i can acquire what i want to eat from money I possess
  • when i hit the power button on my electronics they will power up and start
  • if i call my wife she will answer the phone
  • if i type in http://www.google.com in an internet browser that it will appear

One of the most wonderful parts about my spiritual life is the level of unwavering trust that I can have in God. There may be more assumptions that we all share together that can let us down, but God never will. Friends may not answer the phone or even respond with the in-season love you are looking for. You may still be waiting on that phone call of encouragement that has still not came. Or you may be a sign-seeker, crying out inside “Lord if that’s you show me”. Irregardless of what we assume there is always a constant that is there for your help: God HEARS the cries of the people! He will NEVER leave you NOR forsake you!

So just remember to not find yourself caught in the world of assumption as it may let you down in the most critical time. What we do have to remember, know and believe is that God is there and aware! All you have to do is lay down your troubles and find the true strength of the Holy Spirit!



One Of My Fav Bible Phrases: “Shall Not Perish”

This phrase from John 3 speaks to so many volumes of things, but the part that means the most to me is the power that it has in the worst of times. When I am in my darkest and lowest hour, God is still God and I will still not perish. The greatest aspects that come with that wonderful “shall not” clause is eternal life in Heaven and a new beginning in the life that we live today through salvation!

I can truly say and testify to that in times when I myself was so weary from all of life’s tasks that I remember quoting to myself that “I shall not perish”. Of course I was not referring to my outward self that gets tired every day and needs rest but instead speaking to my inward (or spiritual) self. Paul made a reference to address the difference in where the spiritual life giving power of God is. He says, “…though the outward man perish, the inward is renewed daily…”, thus speaking to the weakness of our flesh. I can imagine throughout all of Paul’s journeys that this was one of the empowering reminders that kept him in times when the work seemed too great or his support system around him was failing.

So make that attempt today to remind yourself that though you feel low, ache in pain, or feel lonely in life that through God’s grace and wonderful power that we shall not perish!

Are You On That New Roller Coaster Called Work?

When you get up in your everyday life, there is always going to be more than you can accomplish in one day ahead of you. People are sleeping less, and trying to do 36-48 hours of tasks in 24 hours nowadays. As we continue with this trend needless to say the wear and tear of it has to begin to show somewhere. One can often find their-self in a place where they do not have much to do and consider their self in a “good” place. On that same token, when we are overwhelmed with things that we must take care of, we consider ourselves “bad” and think we are not doing enough and try to do more.

I wish I could say everything that everyone else in the world might say, but I would be lying to you. First of all, I have learned to not base the progress of my life on the number of tasks I have accomplished in a day. I cannot base it on the amount of money I draw in either. I could do a 100 things and earn a 1,000 dollars in one hour, but does that really put me in a “good” place? Not really at all, to be honest.

Work is always going to be there whether you go a mile a minute or are barely creeping. And trust me, I am all for being a person who likes to get things done. However, there has to be a place in your life for God. Your standing with God in your life to me determines how “good” or “bad” of shape we can be. You see, I can be in the worst of situations in life and still be in the best shape, simply because I’m living a Godly and spiritual life and not letting my life be worldly and continually task-driven. In fact, I have found that I am only in a bad place when I am spiritually weak and am not able to handle everything in my life on my own.

We were made to live life with God. We were made to serve God. We should remember to keep him first, and all the other things in our lives will begin to work for our good! We were built to live life by faith! Remember to be full-time for God, and to let every other work be part-time! All of your works (and your Godly obedience of course) is to be purposed draw others to Christ!