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Why Worship Counts

With each and every passing day, it seems to be a fading trend to have active praise and worship in the house of God. It seems as though we are getting down to a presentation and reaction sort of venue. I know that wherever that we go as a ministry, that it is becoming less and less of something that is occurring on a regular basis.

I do realize that many have a lot of misconceptions about worship, but let’s talk about some important parts about it to clear it up a bit!

First off, worship should be something you do ALWAYS. If you are waiting for some kind of special moment to move you, you might be waiting for a long time. I do understand we must wait for God’s voice, but the word of God speaks on entering into his courts with praise! It talks about praising him on the stringed instruments and on the loud sounding cymbals! Thanksgiving should be in your heart before you ever come to church! If you are waiting to get it when you get to church, or are waiting for something, then the process is backwards; God has given you more than enough to step out and worship!

Secondly, we are to be ready IN and OUT of Season. Whether we feel like it or not, or think it is required of us or not, God will always move on us when push comes to shove and there are people in the midst of you that need you to show them who God really is. It’s not about worshiping anyone BUT God. It’s not about giving glory to anyone BUT God. It also means we have to step out whether we are on the mountain in victory or in the valley in the midst of trials. We couldn’t have a good enough of an excuse to sit back and say “I don’t have to”!

Lastly, it’s YOUR CHOICE. No one can make you, but only encourage you to. People get upset at me all the time because they feel as though I am trying to tell them how or when to worship the Lord, but I am merely encouraging them to! I’m not going back there and lifting up your hands for you, for that has to be you! God will never put anything on you more than you can bear, but I cannot imagine that he would ever put you in a place that you could not draw from the well of praise. Praise is what builds faith. Praise is what builds your zeal. Praise is what breaks ground for the word of God.