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In Anticipation With Desperation, There Is Still God

One of the main parts (as we will call it) that is an essential on a walk with God to keep it stable is faith. It’s the balance in the midst of panic that keeps the boat from rocking and turning over. It’s the self-control that keeps us from opening our mouth up to all of your loved ones to complain about how it “might not” happen. And most importantly, if used and applied in our lives daily it can be the part of us that moves mountains while we’re still here.

Trust me, I want to be spirit led but faith driven! In the midst of it all today, keep your eyes on God and your head up. Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy that you have in Him. Nothing can compare to the level of peace you obtain when you sit on a solid foundation.

If there is no other lesson that I have learned in my life right now more than ever, it is: when you are right in the middle of everything you are going through in the midst of your tests of great expectation and you lose all of your support systems you were comfortable with, there is still God! When you are desperate to make a difference and you feel like you cannot after so long, God will move on your behalf to make a way for you! You will begin to feel that revival in your heart even when no one else does! You’ll feel the spirit of God encourage you and remind you that you’re alive!

In anticipation with desperation, there is still God!

As Solid As Your Foundation

We always read about the piece in the bible that refers to the people who built their houses upon the sand and the rock. And as we all know, of course it was the house that was built on the rock that was proven in the end, right?

My question is, how many of us have our houses built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ?

From a normal point of view on the outside, everything looks like God and sounds like it, but the house is not solid and could be blown over or fall at any time. In other words, we proclaim to be stable and have such great lives in God but at the sign of a first hard trial we begin to crumble beneath what we are really built upon.

Some contractors won’t even begin to build until they know they have a solid foundation! That should speak to us to let us know that we should count the cost of any actions in our lives and remember that we better make sure we are strong enough before we step out there where we think we can handle it! I’ve seen too often people that were not strong enough that had good intentions that failed quickly from the lack of being established with good wisdom and a solid communication in prayer! It really does matter!

You see, God wants us to be established on his foundation, the foundation of faith in him. He wants to endue to us that power and ability to endure! We can only endure by hanging to the promises of God. We can only test our foundation by staying on it! Stay true to what God has placed in you and do not waiver! God will not fail you, leave you, nor forsake you! Be encouraged this day!

Keep Your Head Level

1 Peter 5:12 – By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you, as I suppose, I have written briefly, exhorting, and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand.

1 Thessalonians 3:8 – For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord.

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Everyone has heard the phrase at some point that “life throws you curves”. It seems to surround the idea that there are many shocks and surprises that come along when we least expect it. Things only seem to shock us when we are not prepared, right? I wish that I could say that on all of our behalves that we will be prepared for everything to come in our futures. The fact of the matter is that we could never possibly have every financial surprise planned or every little detail in order; for it simply could not be done without the knowledge of tomorrow.

The best thing about what I am about to say is that it is a small piece of wisdom you can keep for the rest of your life. Through all of life’s future uncertainties we only have but one solution: place your faith in is God and enter into rest for the sake of your own stability! It is the only thing that you can be deeply rooted in spiritually and will never you let down, even in the times when you feel discouraged from things that have blindsided you. I refuse to hear from anyone that God cannot comfort you from the worries and anxieties of life! His spirit is greater in us than the part of us that dwells and suffers here on earth! If you are watching and praying as the word of God teaches us, then in essence we always have access to the comfort of the spirit and peace for our minds when we need it. It still might hurt as bad but I can assure us that we will not be caught off guard! Keep your head level by establishing your solid foundation in Jesus Christ! You cannot go wrong with that!

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Put Into Practice:

One of the most common balance tests that you read about is called the Romberg test, which requires a person to stand with their feet together and their eyes closed to see how well they can stand without shifting. I remember one of the first times that I did this test and how that before this I always felt that I was in control of my balance. Little did I know that by shutting my eyes and putting my feet together that a couple of things would have me moving around in ways that I never had.

When you put this in comparison with life and God, it is pretty easy to get off balance when a couple things begin to shift us around and put a haze or darkness in our vision. The most important thing I could say today is for you to remember not to get out of balance in your Christian life. Find God as your first priority and let life pan out as God leads you in it. Even though you might feel everything go crazy at first, God will help you with the sudden changes to make Him first. In other words, “all these other things will be added unto you!”

A Place For Me

The word “place” can be defined as an area set aside for a particular purpose, a stead, a location, a home, a space, a position, a dwelling or a room.  Some examples of usage are:  A place where I can go, He took my place, He made a place for me at the table, and this is my place………..

My heart was stirred by the testimony and scripture that was given by Brother John Vanover.  He talked about a special “place” that was made for Moses.  And the LORD said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: (Exodus 33:21) He said this place was not just for Moses but exists for all of God’s children.  It is a secure place, on a solid foundation.  A place of refuge.

I have been so blessed by this scripture over the last several days.  I thought about the place that God has made for me to stand in.  It is a place that was given to me without money and without price.  And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:  (John 19:7) Jesus took my place so I could have a place.

Not just any place, not stuck back in a corner, or in a dard basement but I have a front row seat.  Hallelujah!  I can’t help but get excited when I start to describe my place.  I know I don’t deserve to be here but I am so very glad to be right beside my Father.  If I need something to eat, I can just reach out to the table that is spread with the very best.  If I need to talk to my Father, I just have to turn toward Him and He inclines His ear to hear what my petitions are.  If I am hurt or sick or down hearted, He is so close by that He can just wipe my tears away, touch me with His healing hand, or just reach out and lift up my head so that I can see all of His goodness.  Again I have to say Hallelujah how wonderful it is to be part of God’s family.

If you are reading this and thinking I would like feel that way, I have good news for you.  You have a “place” right beside God, too.  When God gave His only begotten Son to die on Calvary he made a “place” for whosoever will.  In my Father’s house are many mansions:  if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2)

If you turn aside the place that Jesus made for you then you will have to go to a place that was made for the devil and his angels. A place called Hell.  A place of eternal torment where the fire is not quenched.  Choose that good “place” that was made for you.

That if thou shalt confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raise him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:8)