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So Where Do You Go To Church?

I am going to be very clear about this topic, as I feel it is beginning to take more of a hold on people than we may realize. Don’t let the politics of an church or institution destroy your worship. Trust me, I could be a rich person for every time that someone has told me “that’s now how we do it at our church”! Please be careful to not let your life be made into religion or institutionalized when God has made the way to be free from that. If you would like the perfect test of how institutionalized or how much a church is open to everyone, just try attending a church of another denomination than your preference. If you find yourself being closed off to how the spirit of God can move because of being afraid of how you are received, then the power of a doctrine or tradition of that church may be greater than the liberty of Gods freedom to work in the people. If the church is open and loving to your anointing, know that there is nothing holding you back from yielding to God and having an amazing place to attend.

I am in places all the time where I am loved greatly until the very moment when I was asked the classic questions, such as: where do you go to church, who is your pastor, what do you all believe, what version of the bible do you use, etc. Some of the reactions have been null if at all, while in other cases I have been witness to the countenance change and addition of opinions/attitudes.

If I had a recommendation to give you as God leads my thoughts, it would be to be proud of the God that blesses you and your church rather than the institution itself. A church will fail you at some point (no matter how many people attend or outreach programs they have), but God will not! People will surprise you when they was cold on an indifference of what they believe versus you, but God will never leave you or forsake you.

On a very personal note, I have found in my life after attending many if not most of church varieties over the years that one thing is always present in a church that is growing and on fire: there is an abundant love for every person and no respect of person, period. I still know people even today that refuse to attend one church and only prefer their own institution, and it breaks my heart that we all cannot be open to work, worship and serve God together. Hear me if you dare, please please please do not fall into the pitfall of men’s ideals! Paul was not mad at the fact that roman Orthodox Jews condemned the Gentiles; in fact he was sorrowful by realizing that the only people that Sony have a free life in Christ are those bound by their own laws and ideals.

I am not attempting to start a revolution nor making an announcement of a denomination from my interpretation; I am as Paul, who claims to know nothing (free from institutions or mans binding ideals) but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He said as he was referring to his metaphor as an athlete, “I look not to the right or left”, or in other words He was to the value of the prize of Christ alone.

Let nothing steal the joy of your life in Christ! Find a church that doesn’t promote being a church that’s good at abiding in denomination, but that is filled with Gods love for everyone (and actual signs of it!).

In Anticipation With Desperation, There Is Still God

One of the main parts (as we will call it) that is an essential on a walk with God to keep it stable is faith. It’s the balance in the midst of panic that keeps the boat from rocking and turning over. It’s the self-control that keeps us from opening our mouth up to all of your loved ones to complain about how it “might not” happen. And most importantly, if used and applied in our lives daily it can be the part of us that moves mountains while we’re still here.

Trust me, I want to be spirit led but faith driven! In the midst of it all today, keep your eyes on God and your head up. Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy that you have in Him. Nothing can compare to the level of peace you obtain when you sit on a solid foundation.

If there is no other lesson that I have learned in my life right now more than ever, it is: when you are right in the middle of everything you are going through in the midst of your tests of great expectation and you lose all of your support systems you were comfortable with, there is still God! When you are desperate to make a difference and you feel like you cannot after so long, God will move on your behalf to make a way for you! You will begin to feel that revival in your heart even when no one else does! You’ll feel the spirit of God encourage you and remind you that you’re alive!

In anticipation with desperation, there is still God!

Sometimes Silence Is Golden


Job 33:31, 33 – Mark well, O Job, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I will speak. If not, hearken unto me: hold thy peace, and I shall teach thee wisdom.


I could not tell you about all of the hundreds of times when I have been tempted to offer my opinion or to state my mind on a matter that someone asked me about. Without proper care of have a good conversation we fail to realize that being opinionated to one another can turn bad quickly. It is in those moments to which God (through the spirit) is continually teaching me when to hold my peace and keep my silence about something. I never thought that I would be able to conquer this in very touchy situations where it gets tough, but through God it IS possible to have the temperance (self-control) we need to make it through opening our mouths about things!

There is value in your silence. Sometimes silence can be golden. It keeps you in a place where you can still be a witness of God without stepping out too far on words that you speak. More often than not before we realize the consequences we forget to consider how powerful wielding life and death through our tongues really is. Through silence you can help to create a gap that gives you a chance to get your mind on God and allow the spirit to show you what to say. It reminds me of a spiritual spinoff of the clichéd phrase “think before you speak”. Just remember to include God in your emotional battles and He will always keep your words in check!


I can definitely assure you that there will be another argument sometime in your near future. Especially when we are attempting to let God take control of our thoughts and words in a greater way. The next time someone gives you a chance to offer your opinion, remember to either choose positive words or to let silence keep you from causing harm. It may be hard the first few times but I testify that it gets easier! Words are just as damaging to our spiritual and emotional being as much as a weapon is harmful to our bodies.

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Do No Evil


James 1:23-24 – For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.


I could not be more troubled about how much it seems that evil is ever present around the people of God. I want to ask some questions that will put us in the frame of mind of what I’m writing on today: How hard do we really try to walk away from something we know that we are seeing or hearing is wrong? In all reality we may find the answer is not too hard at all. If something (being the spirit of God) leads you to know that something wrong is going on, and you have the power to make a decision to change that behavior, then it is our responsibility hands down! If we learn to walk with God’s higher standard then they will know that there is something that drives us to be above the temptation of sin. Could we say a witness of the Lord?!? How much do we restrain ourselves from saying things that we should not in a situation where we are affected? Not too much at all. Keeping ourselves from saying irrational things is one of the hardest things to do simply because we feel enabled from our own self-right of justice. If they wronged us, they are going to hear about it, right? There is a difference in doing things in love versus out of spite or with an attitude! You have to always remember that everyone will answer for their actions and that self-control is only truly successful by the quickening of the anointing in you to help you prevent such decisions! How difficult is it to trust God when you feel like that you are surrounded in darkness? It is truly easy if you allow God to do it! We are the light of the world, but God is the fire that burns within! His spirit will keep you each day and never let you feel stale! If you learn to stir up the gifts and callings every day through worship, prayer, fasting, reading, and ultimately obedience then you will begin to unlock something that will (as the old song sings) shun the wrong and do what is right!


Make every active attempt each day to avoid the evils that you can and pray for God to lead you out of every temptation that would prove difficult for you to walk away from.

Put Denial In Its Place

Matthew 10:32-33 – Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

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Denial does exist and is prevalent in the everyday lives of everyone. I could not be more blown away when you consider that the average person will live in denial of at least two or three different things consecutively at a given time. I am not here to try and pinpoint those things for each and every individual, but I want us to begin to try to recognize where our help comes from.

We serve a God who is a God of help. God will reach out to you in your weakness, lift you up, and restore to you from the things that you never thought that you could move on from. God is also a God of understanding. Though many people may try and judge you by your trials, God will not. Bring your issues to God and allow Him to help you change what needs to be! God is also a God of love. Sometimes we will fight so long for the acceptance of popularity or the forgiveness of things from others that will more than likely never come. However, if you pray to God to forgive you, he will wipe it all away and restore your life unto you.

What I am trying to tell you today is to not let your denial overrule your acceptance. Accept that you can pray and repent for your mistakes. Accept that God can help you and do allow anything to let you not deny it. Accept that God can save you from sin and that you can make Heaven your home. There is no better time than the present to stop looking behind you in your past, regretting all of the things you cannot change, and moving on from your denial and stepping into the acceptance of the power of Christ!

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Put Into Practice:

Sometimes the easiest way to recognize denial is in the silliest ones. If you are bold enough to try this example, I encourage you to: find an object that is heavy and will not break under any pressure or weight (like a rock or a bolt) and place it under a blanket. The interesting part is that in your mind you know that it is there and that walking on this would be quite uncomfortable. Try to humor yourself and say out loud “there isn’t anything under there”, and then try to walk on your blanket. If you have made it this far you are beginning to realize the power of denial.

Even though we will have problems that leap out in front of us or will hinder us in our walk with God we have to learn to recognize those small things and be able to remove them so that we can begin to be closer to God! Put denial in its place and do not allow yourself to live with it!