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Shake The Dust Off Of Your Feet And Don’t Be A Dust Thrower!

Feeling rejected? Wondering what the deal is with your ministry? Been discouraged by others recently? At some point I believe we have all been in that moment before. We have all had things that have presented themselves as very humbling experiences, right? Trust me, I have seen it all. While singing and speaking in times past I have had people in full blown conversations, texting on their cell phones, sleeping, leaving, shaking their heads, eating, posing an intentional distraction. I’ve had people turn down my microphone on purpose, get up and leave and return when I was finished, tell me to my face that I preach too long, and inform me that I would never preach at their church because I was too radical. I have had people inspired (all of a sudden) to have their personal bible study and not pay attention for the entirety. I have even been cut off right in the middle of exhortation simply because some were afraid of things getting a little too exciting. I wish I could say that one of these were my personal favorite experiences that helped me grow, but the truth is that at the time it really hurt to feel! I am happy to know that as I have grown that God has given me the wisdom in this area and I am going to share some concepts with you that have helped me stay effective.

When it comes to being effective in your ministry, one thing will always be clear in relevance to growth: in order to be a successful worker for God you must be able to continue in spite of facing rejection or a lack of support. The bible gives reference to the perfect scenario: “And whosoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.” This passage in Luke 9 opens up a very interesting thought and question I have today. Consider when you attend your own church and do your absolute best that you can and feel rejected. Does it mean that if you were not received that you are a failure and that its time to hang it up? No, in fact this should begin to allow you to understand the difference in the rejection of the word that you bring versus a rejection of just you.

A rejection of the word of God is often times perceived to be the dislike of a person. Think about the passage that refers to the bible principle that “light has no fellowship with darkness”. I send a word of encouragement to tell you that everyone does not despise YOU, but the word that is WITHIN you. If you are continually waiting for the perfect fellowship with people that you know need to hear a strong word then you are going to be waiting forever. I’ll be as bold to say that you will never have the FULL support of any church no matter where you may roam. Why? Because if there are those that are not walking in the will of God or have a relationship then a natural fear of change from their sin or unwillingness that simply cannot accept the word when they choose not to. So when we say to shake the dust off your feet as a testimony “against them”, it is simply saying to show others that you will not be moved from the call or the obedience that the call brings. Remember that Jesus was not even received in His own country and how you may not be either. You may just have a situation with a very simple solution: people that know you and grow numb to the value of your call need to see a strength within you that shakes off the bad when they ignore you!

Are we going to begin to dust ourselves off to show the strength of God? Do we realize that it is God’s word that conflicts with people and not a personal issue against us? If we can begin to grasp these concepts there will be so many church services everywhere that we all go that will be saved, salvaged and actually promote the strength of the God’s people to draw others!

The other contrast of this thought that I leave you with is to not be the person that throws the dust upon another. You may have a church where you just have a few that attend and know each other on a personal level. If you do and you find yourself almost getting “bored” with others, I speak with a spiritual urgency to start drawing closer to God for a greater love than what is on the surface. Being bored or complacent in church shows a lack in breaking down self. Remember that we need each other and that one day you will miss the worth of those around you when God moves them to another chapter in life.

Love Is The Root


1 Corinthians 13:4-7  – Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.


The passage above is one of my more favorite messages of Paul’s ministry. I realize that when it comes to what he stood for, Paul was a person that was probably rejected all the time; for it was not just in what he believed but how he battled for the equality of man through the love of God. It makes me consider why people are giving Christians bad attitudes: is it us or the gospel? People never knew you before you started letting the word of God lead you. I am sure you may have been well liked and highly favored among people.

Now? As we carry the word of God in us and deliver it to the lost rejection is abundant. We are not liked as we once were, and can now understand what it means to be persecuted for the gospels sake. Bees do not like it when you stir the hive, and people especially do not like feeling uncomfortable hearing the word of God! For those of you who fit into this example, read on with me! Paul said you could speak in the tongues of men and angels, have prophetic words, and know all the mysteries of the word. Most of us have an amazing talent, but need to work on what was addressed next; for he said without love it brings no profit for the kingdom of Heaven! If you let your obedience always be done in Godly love, rejection and persecution will be endured!


Think about the top 10 people or things that you are praying for. Are they in relevance to personal blessings? Are the prayers only for those you love and not your enemies? Do you withhold prayers for people just because they upset you? Paul’s teaching was groundbreaking because it took religion out of the gifts and callings of God. Through the love of Christ we must learn to love, serve and forgive everyone equally. If you serve God without love you will be leading a very empty spiritual life. Learn to do all things with love, and with this kind of effort God moves mountains and leads us through the dark valleys!

Keep Your Head Up

Today I am very thankful to the Lord above for everything that he is performing in my life. I am thankful for the great works in the lives of those that I see around me. At times the enemy would want all of us to feel discouraged and without a use or a place in this world.

I speak a word of encouragement to everyone to remind you that no matter how much rejection and persecution you face, that the rewards will far outweigh the costs of a few hindrances! Keep your head up and do not faint from the pressure!

Learn to simply endure where you are and God will eventually allow you to move from circumstances that are not promoting the best of a situation that promotes God’s will! Greener pastures will be ahead, joy will be ahead, and a more fruitful life is coming!

We speak it in faith to you in the name of Jesus Christ! Be blessed this day!

Send A Message: We Miss You

I want to write a message today that reaches out to many that might think that they are so often missed. This one is for you.

There have been many times in my life where I was looking for others to encourage me and it was not there. Either I was looking for advice or some kind of positive outreach to give me that breath of life that lets you know you still exist. I couldn’t tell you how many times, especially in the earlier years of my youth, that I longed to feel like there was someone that was truly there. No matter how old you are today, people continually still want to fill this void in their life; and over time we find some way to occupy it with persons, objects, or by some kind of abstract thinking to just “get us by”.

The fact of the matter is that people are living in depression each and every day and are finding better ways to mask what they feel inside. People long to feel like they have someone that loves them, cares about them. We as Christians DO know of something that we could give unto others that could help them begin to live, but yet, we get weary from fears and worries of rejection. I once had these same struggles, and believe me, living in this for too long will lead you down the wrong road.

So let me get real and stress this clearly and with joy! I’m glad people were not afraid to lead me to a better life. I’m glad I got out of the lifestyle that I was living in. I’m glad that I finally found happiness. I’m glad that I finally got saved through Jesus Christ! I’m glad that I got filled with His spirit to the greatest abundance! I feel like I can finally see the light in the midst of all the darkness that we live in! Praise God! I’m free today!

I want to remind us all to reach out to people that are in need to say that we miss them being at church, miss them being in our lives, and that when they are in need that there is a solution, Jesus Christ!