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Video: Singing – “The Only Real Peace” Live @ Sidebrook Baptist Church


Life is a few days of trouble a wise man once said,
But I’ll not complain, I’m sheltered, I’m clothed, and I’m fed.
But many’s the trial my wants and my dreams put me through,
And the only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.

The only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.
The only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.
With all life’s temptations, I need You, and I know I do.
‘Cause the only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.

The higher I’ve soared in my dreams the harder I fall
And sometimes I’ve wondered if dreams are worth dreaming at all.
Then my disppointments can’t keep me blinded and blue
Not when I’m reminded of sweet peace I have, Lord, in You.

Video: Singing – “Promises” Live @ Sidebrook Baptist Church


He didn’t promise that I would never stumble,
But He did say He’d be there if I fall;
He didn’t tell me He’d hear all things I whisper,
Oh, but He did say He’d hear me if I call.

Promises, promises and all of them true,
He’s done exactly what He said He would do;
He didn’t tell me my heart would not be broken,
Oh, but He did say He’d mend it again.

He didn’t promise my cross would not be heavy,
Oh, but he did say that He my load would share;
He didn’t tell me He’d grant my hopes and wishes,
Oh, but He did say He’d hear my earnest prayer.

Video: Christmas with Heart of Grace Ministries

As we entered the Christmas season this year, the reality of family getting together makes us look to the past and how it is so easy when all the food and presents surround everyone that it sometimes is hard to really grasp the true Christmas Spirit. We made the decision to set aside an evening ( Pre-Christmas) to put an emphasis on what Christmas is really about. I wanted to share a small part of our gathering which includes a song and thoughts from Regina and Jared. Hope it helps everyone focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas from Heart of Grace!

Video: Singing “Rejoice, My Children, Rejoice” Live @ Fairview Missionary Baptist Church


It may seem peculiar to believe in a land
Though we’ve not seen we still call it home
But our faith sees it clearly and our hearts are fixed

We rejoice in that blessed home

Rejoice (rejoice), my children, rejoice
For our name is recorded today
Be glad (be glad), exceedingly glad
For Heaven is ours to claim

To look at God’s children the world just might say
How foolish we are to believe
But they just don’t know we are heirs to a throne
And our name is on the deed

Video: Singing “He Lifted Me Out” Live @ Long Hollow Baptist Church


He lifted me out of the deep miry clay;
He settled my feet in the straight, narrow way;
He lifted me up to a heavenly place,
And floodeth my soul each day with His grace.

I was out on the broad way of sin and despair,
Crushed beneath my burden of sorrow and care;
My constant companions were trouble and doubt,
Till Jesus reached down and lifted me out.

I was wandering afar from my Savior and home,
Fainting and weary in sin did I roam;
I needed a hand to turn me about,
Then Jesus reached down and lifted me out.

I was building my home on the dry shifting sand,
Casting my lot in a cold barren land;
You’re doomed now for aye I heard Satan shout;
But Jesus reached down and lifted me out.

I have started for heaven my heart filled with song
Wandering is over my sins all are gone;
Through Jesus’ own blood cleansed within and without
O praise His dear name He lifted me out.

Video: Singing – “Child Of The King”

Once I was clothed in the rags of my sin,
Wretched and poor, lost and lonely within.
But with wondrous compassion, the King of all kings,
In pity and love, took me under His wings

Oh, yes, oh yes, I’m a child of the King
His royal blood now flows in my veins.
And I who was wretched and poor now can sing
Praise God, praise God, I’m a child of the King.

Now I’m a child with a Heavenly home,
My Holy Father has made me His own.
And I’m cleansed by His blood, and I’m clothed in His love,
And some day I’ll sing with the angels above.

Video: Singing – “The Only Real Peace” (medley) w/ Testimony Live @ Morley Baptist Church


Life is a few days of trouble a wise man once said,
But I’ll not complain, I’m sheltered, I’m clothed, and I’m fed.
But many’s the trial my wants and my dreams put me through,
And the only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.

The only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.
The only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.
With all life’s temptations, I need You, and I know I do.
‘Cause the only real peace that I have, dear Lord, is in You.

The higher I’ve soared in my dreams the harder I fall
And sometimes I’ve wondered if dreams are worth dreaming at all.
Then my disppointments can’t keep me blinded and blue
Not when I’m reminded of sweet peace I have, Lord, in You.

Video: Singing – “Promises” & “My Hope Is In The Blood”


He didn’t promise that I would never stumble,
But He did say He’d be there if I fall
He didn’t tell me He’d hear complaints I whispered,
But He did say He’d hear me if I call.

Promises, promises, and all of them true.
He’s done exactly what He said He would do.
He didn’t promise my heart would not be broken,
But He did say He’d mend it again.

He didn’t promise my cross would not be heavy,
But He did say that He my load would bear,
He didn’t tell me He’d grant my hopes and wishes,
But He did say He’d hear my earnest prayer.

My Hope Is In The Blood

Every hope that I have here in this old sinful world,
is anchored in the blood of the lamb.
Tho the billows are raging and we’re tossed to and fro,
there is peace beneath that flow.

My hope of the precious lamb of God,
is in the blood
There is no other fountain so sweet.
no fount so sweet.
It has washed away my sin gave me peace and joy within,
my hope is anchored in His blood, His precious blood.

Only one thing will matter when the time shall come to die,
the treasures of this world won’t mean a thing.
but the joy of knowing Jesus will vanish all my fear,
for He took away death’s sting.

A Light At The River

There’s a deep silent river flowing just beyond
Its waters are deep and wide.
Faith sees a light, a beaconing light,
Down by the ri-ver side.

There’s light at the river, a light at the river,
There’s a light at the river I can see.
My Lord will stand and hold in His hand,
A light at the river for me.

To that deep silent river we will one day come,
We will cross over waters wide.
He will carry us away to the realms of day,
To that Home on the other side.

Video: Singing “Because He Loved Me”

On a hill called Calvary, Jesus my Lord suffered for me.
Carried the cross all the way my sins to atone.
Then they nailed Him to a cross, great was the pain and the loss
He suffered it all, (He suffered it all)
Because He loved me. (Because He loved me.)

Because He loved me, my Savior died, on the cross was crucified
No greater love for mortal man has ever been known.
Oh praise His dear name, He loved me so, now I am His, He’s mine, I know
He suffered it all, (He suffered it all)
Because He loved me. (Because He loved me.)

Then they carried Him away, placed Him in a lonely grave
Surely they thought that this would be the end of this man.
But on that third and glorious day, God came and rolled the stone away,
He rose from the dead (He rose from the dead)
Because He loved me (because He loved me).