When the enemy tries to push against us and tries to make us cave into our fears, know that God is with you! Build up the confidence of your faith!
When your faith and desire begin to work in agreement you breed a great sense of anticipation and expectation. Learn about the power of hope, faith and your actions to keep your spirits high!
Learn where the enemy tries to creep in and keep us distracted from some of the most important things we can do in God: waiting, watching and listening!
Let’s take a stand for what we know is promised! We’re on a journey, we have a calling and there is a divine destination ahead. Onward!
What God has give you is precious and worthwhile; there is a divine place where you can invest your faith and belief to unlock the greater blessings!
Do you know what you are made of? How strong you are? How much can you resist?
When we think there is nothing left in store, know that God has something planned out there!