As we learn from the experience of Stephen let us dig into the incite about how we forgive, how we stay at peace, and how we learn to not let the tough trials of life…
Tag: Preaching
Video: “God Will Make A Way”
When the children of Israel had no means or strategy God made a way. Remember as you stand in front of your sea of life that as you trust in God that God will make…
Video: “God’s Not Finished With You”
Be reminded today that even though your trial seems like it is going to get the best of you that God is not finished with you yet!
Video: “Pray, Worship and Surrender”
Always remember when we confess our faults and ask for forgiveness then we get to a place where we can worship. When we can worship we produce humbleness in our heart and open up our…
Video: “Wherever You Go, God Will Go”
Let us be reminded that as we go about our lives that God is with us and never leave us!
Video: “The Power of Persistence”
As we serve God we often times cannot see where He is due to being so crowded with life. But if we can learn to be persistent and desperate enough to be moved by our…
Video: “Break The Cycle”
Tired of living the same way and suffering the same things? Let’s dig in the word and learn how to break the cycle! Sermon Notes:
Video: “Compassion: The Catalyst for Change”
Recorded @ Fincastle United Methodist Church Enjoy the video! Sermon Notes:
Video: “We Are Barabbas, But Now We’re Free”
We were all bound in our sins without hope for change, but by the sacrifice in Christ we are no longer without hope; we are free and able to enjoy life and make Heaven our…
Video: “10 Life Transforming Actions To Make It Count”
We’ve got to learn to make it count for something. To redeem the time while we can. To be happy while we still live. To enjoy life through Christ before we die. And while we’re…