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I Am So Glad This Walk Of Life Is Not By Sight – An Out Of The Box Wake Up Call

I am so thankful for another day to be writing to each and every one of you. I count it such a joy with every thought and keystroke that God blesses me with. There is just something rolling out of my heart today through the prayers and thinking upon God that I am reminded of and as of late recently revived: I am so glad this walk of life is not driven by sight! It is driven by the faith that lives inside of us! What do you mean, you ask? Oh do tell, do I hear? Oh, well as a matter a fact I was just about to give a good elaboration. 🙂

As we are saved by the wonderful grace of God, we start out of the gate with the renewing of our minds. We have that brand new perspective! We are babes in Christ, found as precious as children in the sight of God! There is encouragement around every corner from everyone and it seems like that the skies could not be found any more blue and grass any likewise green (come on, I am light-heartedly chuckling a little). The most important thing looking back on that moment in time is that there was what I will call FRESH FAITH, which to me is to say that sort of “brand new Holy Ghost anointed unmovable” faith. It is the measure that we have always had, but finally are opened up to recognize. I am imagining I just heard someone say…”then what happens next?”. I will gladly tell you!

I know this is not going to be the case for every single person in the world. We must also acknowledge that every life is unique in the sight of God! With that said, every single life that starts that relationship with Jesus Christ begins a walk with God. As we continue in the life of a Christian, that ‘FRESH FAITH’ is as we say made stale by the ever-so-many influences that are about it. It could be a poor environment to grow and promote a person spiritually. It could be people that as we know should be promoting a strong Godly influence but tend to fail in the same area. Please do not misunderstand me here. I know we do not intentionally ever try to make anyone stumble. It is the case to plea however that when we are not a reflective witness of God and are not in full obedience of His spirit and love that we do fall short at times! The most important influences that can pull us around and around (I could say that part a million times) are all of the small tiny things that people think are OKAY. For each person it is different but is the very thing that keeps them either from humbleness, charity, or the ability to be low and without pride.

So when do we hear the alarm go off? I am so glad you asked!

It is in those moments where you know you should obey God but you do not. It is the second right before you hold your peace yet on the inside you hear yourself testifying. It is when you are singing that you know there is a deeper song that lives inside you. It is when you preach that you hear that strong word rising forth from you, yet the fear quenches it and leaves you preaching the same four to five messages in your arsenal. I know that whomever is taking the time to read this will find their place within these parts, for as we all know there is always something we could step out more in. We find these parts to grow through every day seeking and renewing!

I can honestly say that there is a renewing going on in my life. All I know is that in all of the small moments in life that I am starting to come into the realization of what God wants me to do. I am awakened and revived today from what God has been dealing with me about. I will not wait for the imaginary person to ask me this time. Here are four new revelations I am responding to in my life:


Continue to strive to be renewed DAILY. There is nothing more important than this.

Come boldly to the throne-room of grace and will not be hindered in my prayers. This is not to say that you come charging with a physical boldness, but with a faith that is unmovable and unwavering.

Be more humble in all things. ALL THINGS. There is no exception. There is grace that is given to the humble, and the meek shall inherit the earth.

Walk not by sight, but by the faith that lives inside me. I will no longer be ruled by what I see, hear or attempted to be influenced by.

Learning To Let Go And Let God

One part of life that everyone must face that may be considered the worst is when we go through times of transition. This could be when you are changing jobs, moving between homes, losing and gaining friends, or the many cases of the unknown. However unfamiliar the case may be, change is always hard to face when the time comes for it. It seems like that no matter how much a person can prepare for something that there is always going to be room for some kind of emotional baggage or breakdown. I’ve heard all the classic wisdom that people have tried to tell me on how you can be “almost” prepared. I’ve also read just about every single thing you can that would try to lead you in the right direction for having the right perspective. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to change, there is never enough preparation on ones’ own.

I am so thankful today, and will forever continue to be for the great comforter of the spirit of God. I have found that in the best and worst of times that the spirit is my all in all. My prayers have sometimes been in desperation or in faith, but the spirit of God comes to lift up the weariness that I am in. It’s as if God comes to fill the void of uncertainty. It makes me understand in tough times that wholeheartedly God is truly the strength in my weakness. We need to always be bold enough to acknowledge that we cannot take life on alone.  As we continue through the obstacles of life, let us learn to let go in times of weakness and let God take control!

I encourage you today to allow the presence of God take your tears and worry and lead you by comfort into joy and peace in Him.

The First Book Has Begun!

I write today with some very exciting news. After much reading, writing and research….the pursuit of the first Heart of Grace book has begun! So far we are now laying out pages and content and trying to make it as useful as possible! The only hints we’ll share today is that we will begin releasing a series of books based on topics that we feel are very “right now” for people that are in need of a simple yet fulfilling word of the Lord!

On a related note to this (just to testify a little), I remember growing up in school and going through it always thinking “I’m not good at writing”. The truth is, when it came to writing about things I wasn’t fully knowledgeable on, I was probably right. When we first started out the web site, I remember thinking about “how are we going to offer something to people that they can use?”, and no sooner than that God began to help me and lead me into things to begin to write and speak on. There has not been a day that when I have sat down to dedicate time to work for this dream that God has not helped me with it every step of the way.

We will be making this available in paperback and on the iTunes book store (and maybe amazon) when the first volume is finished. I’ll try to keep the rest a surprise until we get it complete! Pray that we have the time and resources to pull it together by the end of this calendar year! My goal (and prayers to God) is to have our first release of a book by Christmas!

Once An Overcomer, Always An Overcomer, So Come On!

Let’s take a moment and ponder about how terrible life is….WAIT…that’s what we’ll do if we are not too careful. When we read in the word of God, each and every indicator that you study on about where people found the willpower to go on was from the strength of God and their foundation of belief. When I consider my own foundation, I find that it is solid based on the many (countless!) times that God has came through. There were times where it was in my prayers or through the prayers of others. There were times where it came after a period of time or when it came suddenly in a second. There were even times when God moved when I wasn’t even aware of things to come ahead in my future! So when I think upon these things, it helps me to stay grounded and not easily moved when events try to occur to shake it up.

We are “made” over-comers, right? I have to put myself in a position where I “make” my mind up to overcome things. I have to be strong in times where weakness wants to prevail; faith must dominate doubt each and every time. I know that there might be some critics out there that are saying “you are a bunch of talk, just wait til you walk it”. Trust me, I might not have been alive 50-75 years yet, but it doesn’t take me a thousand loops through life to realize where my help and strength comes from! So come on! Get yourself out of the “doubtin” and “poutin” and “doin withoutin” and think yourself happy. Continually stir the part of you that God needs to be strong in.

Make yourself an over-comer today by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!

Just In The Nick Of Time, Always On Time!

When it comes to our prayers and what we have before God, I can say on my (and perhaps anyone’s) behalf that it may not always be when we think it should occur. In fact, I have found many times that rather than being thankful for what I do have that my focus is what I do not. Our human nature is very keen nowadays on picking up on the lack thereof!

I write today such a blessed person. I have came so far in my life, and I have came so far in my own family (and extended family). When I truly consider all the blessings that have came thus far, it is exceptionally hard for me to even have the nerve to ask “why” or “when” from God. In fact, it begins to bring out the spirit of thanksgiving and praise within, as it should within all of us. It should remind us that God never leaves us or forsakes us in our time of need. We should remember each day where we were in the prior days and how far that we have come. If we were to not forget the manner of person we are, we would remember the person we use to be as well.

I know how far I have came personally, and I know (just in the people I have come into contact with) how far so many have came through God. We are all so blessed and have so much to give God praise for this day. Let’s be excited about the blessings of God! Let’s shoot out some thanksgiving praise, and then that faith praise and the faith prayers in the future will be with assurance and confidence!

Be lifted up to know that what God performs is done on God’s time, and when it is done it is for your good! It is to strengthen you and to mold you into that true man and woman of God that was always intended from the very beginning! So take a few minutes today to simply reflect on the good things God has done. Trust me, you will surprise yourself. You might even have a few tears and praises come out of you (and that’s okay)!

Open the Eyes of My Heart: Songs 4 Worship Devotional, Volume 1

When I finished this book, the only thing that I was thinking to myself was “I wish there was more!” This book contains 90 days worth of devotionals tied directly to older hymns or newer songs and has a very uplifting approach to merging worship and word together. Some of the songs I knew and some of them were new to me but I really enjoyed being able to simply read a lyric and letting its meaning encourage and uplift me.

There are even daily bible verses to read and what I would like to call “starter” prayers; those that should help you get those first few words out when we sometimes cannot find them to say.

In reading this book, I came to a powerful conclusion. A lot of times we completely separate praise and worship from the word of God; and to me they are different in the doing but not in the purpose. We have to learn and remember that they are both equally meaningful in practice and demonstration, so remember to use them to the best of your ability!

And always remember when you are done with one, pass it on or recommend! That helps the ones who work so hard to write them!

Check out: Open The Eyes Of My Heart: Songs 4 Worship Devotional, Volume 1 – ISBN 978-1-5914-5021-4

Click image for full size.

Love Is The Root


1 Corinthians 13:4-7  – Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.


The passage above is one of my more favorite messages of Paul’s ministry. I realize that when it comes to what he stood for, Paul was a person that was probably rejected all the time; for it was not just in what he believed but how he battled for the equality of man through the love of God. It makes me consider why people are giving Christians bad attitudes: is it us or the gospel? People never knew you before you started letting the word of God lead you. I am sure you may have been well liked and highly favored among people.

Now? As we carry the word of God in us and deliver it to the lost rejection is abundant. We are not liked as we once were, and can now understand what it means to be persecuted for the gospels sake. Bees do not like it when you stir the hive, and people especially do not like feeling uncomfortable hearing the word of God! For those of you who fit into this example, read on with me! Paul said you could speak in the tongues of men and angels, have prophetic words, and know all the mysteries of the word. Most of us have an amazing talent, but need to work on what was addressed next; for he said without love it brings no profit for the kingdom of Heaven! If you let your obedience always be done in Godly love, rejection and persecution will be endured!


Think about the top 10 people or things that you are praying for. Are they in relevance to personal blessings? Are the prayers only for those you love and not your enemies? Do you withhold prayers for people just because they upset you? Paul’s teaching was groundbreaking because it took religion out of the gifts and callings of God. Through the love of Christ we must learn to love, serve and forgive everyone equally. If you serve God without love you will be leading a very empty spiritual life. Learn to do all things with love, and with this kind of effort God moves mountains and leads us through the dark valleys!

A Prayer Request

I would like to thank everyone for their continual support in the work and ministry that God has performed through us over the past few months. The radio ministry has grown leaps and bounds. The online ministry has expanded far greater than we ever thought. The CD distribution ministry came out of nowhere to shock us too! It has been such a blessing, and we feel like that we have grown so much and have learned so many lessons along the way. I am speaking for just me, but I know that I could say that for everyone involved in the ministry of Heart of Grace.

As we start to seek God and prepare for the next chapter in the ministry, I ask for your prayers. Help us pray that God would send us where we need to be, and to be sent places where we can be of help. I for one am so excited, and I cannot wait to see what God has in store! Keep us in prayer!

Looking At The Watch? Time For A Test Of Patience!

We can often compare our prayers to God sometimes like a person waiting on another standing there looking at their watch. They are impatiently waiting upon that person to do their part so they can do nothing and be satisfied. Does that speak to you?

Sometimes I could categorize prayers in the past times in my life to be complaint prayers, piety prayers, confusion prayers; the list goes on and on. I know more than anyone about having to stand and wait upon the Lord. In times when your back is against the wall, it’s hard to pray from the depths of your heart and truly mean “Lord I’m waiting and trusting in You that You are going to perform Your perfect will in this situation”.

When we begin to get in these situations, I have found that I can refresh my patience with my testimonies. Sure, I am waiting on God for 500 things. However, God has blessed me millions of times. Millions! More than I could ever say in a lifetime. If I wrote a post every minute for the rest of my life of the good things, I could not accomplish getting out every good thing God has done. I have to remind myself that “If God has helped me before, He’ll do it again”.

If God has performed His will before in your life, God will do it again. Continually seek God for peace and do not let impatience rule steal your joy. Do not let your situations steal away your prayer life. Let your prayers be led by faith, and let your walk with God and your witness to others be driven by the glory that will be revealed in you.

A final word of encouragement this day (you could even say it out loud): I have been blessed by God before, I am blessed by God now, and I will continue to be blessed by God in my future!

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired


Psalms 103:8 – The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.

Proverbs 19:11 – The discretion of a man deferreth his anger; and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.


There are so many things that come up every day that make it hard sometimes to emotionally hold it together. I know what it feels like to be on the mountain in my life and still feel unsatisfied. I also know what it feels like to be in the valley and feel forgotten. No matter the current status of happiness that we possess, there is something to help us find the calm in the midst of unexpected storms. What I have found to be true is God and God alone. For most of us our daily routines to make ends meet leave us so numb that we get in a ‘sick and tired’ state. If our focus is to be on the ministry of God then it is my every belief that God will take care of the other issues in my life. What we place so high of an emotional value on should not be more than what God means to us. If we invest fully into God and surrender all, then everything else will be added (and we will not be as sick and tired of things as often!).

Do not let the game of life win and defeat the best part of you. Remember to suffer not in the things that are trying to come against you! Use the tools you have that God has provided for you to have and use for a successful outcome!


Walk over to your medicine cabinet and open the door. When you see (for example) a bottle of medicine that treats headaches you have a confidence in your mind that as you take the medicine that you will find relief from the problem. God’s peace can move in through your worship and prayers to provide relief from anything.

Search within your mind the good times that God has blessed you. Like a medicine, God provided relief and help for you in that time of crisis. And if God did it for you then, God can certainly do it again! All God needs is that trust in the wonderful anointing and his word to bring out the best treatment you could ever find for when you are sick of life!