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Take The Time To Take Your Time

No matter the situation it seems we are in, there is always the part of us that is demonstrated in the moment: the need to love or care for others on demand. I admit first and foremost that at times it is hard to do, or even feels impossible as emotionally affected as we can get. Let me share some quick tips with you that has been inspired by God and the wisdom of some great elders to me.

1) If someone takes the time to have a conversation about you or something that concerns you, make sure you take the time to return the favor by doing likewise (or indicating why you can’t). We should always be subject to one another and do unto others as we would have them do unto us! Doing so demonstrates a love for people which in turn demonstrates love for God and beyond yourself. It’s very key to note that it’s in the very small things you do in your every day life that will demonstrate the power of your ministry.

2) Take time to help those who cannot help you. It is so easy just to either deny people simply by the right of judgement or denial that they really “don’t need me to care”. What we neglect to realize is how much of a difference being charitable can be. Remember to help those who cannot repay, for this truly shows the kind of love that Jesus gave to us when he gave His life for us!

3) Finally, the time we have to live is a gift from God, so do not waste it! Live in love and live for loving others! Make time for God each and every day not only in prayer but in acts of love and kindness towards others. Beyond that, have a heart that will show that driven love and kindness beyond what would try to drag you down!

Use God’s time to build yourself up as well as the lives of others!

When I Think About Trouble…Ummm…Yeah Don’t

When our minds are not able to be in focus to our walk with God, it is truly hard to utilize and understand the true power and fulfillment of the promises and blessings that God has given and will give in the future.

That’s a big statement, but when applied each and every day can be SO true. If our mind gets continually stressed with a thought that is always on our mind, that is very easily representative to a wound that we refuse to bandage; for not allowing God to begin to lift the care from your mind and replace it with peace defeats the purpose of know about the peace that surpasses all understanding. If we do not allow God to lift us up when we are down by accepting the joy of the Lord, it does us little good to know about it!

So when trouble decides to pay you a visit through any medium of communication or situation, begin to focus upon God and not the trouble! Refuse to let something so small compared to God win the battle of your heart and mind. When we are not able to attain to higher faith we are not able to lead others to it. If I cannot believe God for the small things in life I would definitely have no business even writing this today. We must trust God! We must believe! We must have faith that if God has done it for you or for others through given testimony or experience than it can happen for you through prayer, faith, belief and obedience!

So when we think about trouble, think about God and how that this so-called “trouble” has to begin to flee at the very mention of God’s power. And always remember, the only time we never win with God is when we don’t choose to believe we’re winners!

It’s Not About Looks, It’s About Heart

Some of the hardest struggles of a ministry is not acquiring the resources that you need to do what you need to, but actually doing it. There can be a vast abundance of things available to a person to perform what you need to be done. I have learned in recent months that without the willingness to step out and do it regardless you will find yourself in just as tough of a spot as you would be without the things you think you need.

You could have one, ten, or a hundred people supporting you and that is wonderful as long as you are following the will of God. I say that because there will be times when you follow the will of God that all the support grows silent. I have been there before and stood wondering “what’s going on” and “what did I do wrong”, leaving me at a crossroads. Luckily I came to a great realization through prayer and the word of God! What finally came to me (as led by God’s encouragement) is that it is not about the looks on their faces (their countenance) that we should base the progress or fruition of our ministry, but the condition of the heart that you aim for.

I am reminded today but have forgot so often that I have ministered to smiling faces but inside were broken. I have seen people that looked completely unhappy but needed a word of confirmation or direction from God. Sometimes it’s not easy to deliver to tougher things, ESPECIALLY things that involve the direct changing of our lifestyle! Trust me, it’s hard but when you obey God you will not be forsaken! There has not been a time in the silence that God has not fought the battle (of the condition of the hearts and souls) with me! It’s not yours to fight! If we are trying to fight for approval, we missed it already. It’s not about approval, but faith and belief. It’s about agreement in Him (God)!

So always remember, obedience is greater than sacrifice (both are needed)! You’ve got to sacrifice facing some persecution putting yourself out there to obey God, but people need you to do it! People need need a strong witness of God today. Are we that people? Let’s strive to be! Let’s strive to make a difference!

Singing And Speaking At Oneida Church Of God

What a great night! It is always worth making the trip to be over with Oneida COG! There is always great love and fellowship and most importantly the freedom to be able to be who God has called you to be! I cannot always say that it is everywhere you go that you get that vibe! I hope they continue to make that something that people are able to grab a hold of and enjoy. That’s what I was thinking about as people were coming up and speaking with me and the family: how wonderful to reach out to those even if you think they already “should know” that they are loved. Sometimes the continual pursuit for encouragement of those around you is the very thing that keeps the foundation of a church super-strong!

We preached a message about prayer and where it stands in our lives. We hope to get it on the site in the near future, so be sure to check that one out! There were people that came to the altar for prayer but in my heart I always know there is more that are in true need of a touch from God. Please, please, please do not ever forsake the value of your altar service! We lingered for quite a while and it was more than enough of an ample opportunity for people to consider coming up for help. Sometimes we miss that because we don’t want to keep people too late, etc. My advice is…don’t worry about it! If people are still there, they want to be, and if they need to go for a reason and circumstance then simply be understanding to it! Then, when you have done all that you can do you don’t walk away from a service wondering if you reached out all that you could, for it is better to reach out with all your might than to not reach out at all!

The church blessed us greatly, and we hope to see them again sometime soon!

Once An Overcomer, Always An Overcomer, So Come On!

Let’s take a moment and ponder about how terrible life is….WAIT…that’s what we’ll do if we are not too careful. When we read in the word of God, each and every indicator that you study on about where people found the willpower to go on was from the strength of God and their foundation of belief. When I consider my own foundation, I find that it is solid based on the many (countless!) times that God has came through. There were times where it was in my prayers or through the prayers of others. There were times where it came after a period of time or when it came suddenly in a second. There were even times when God moved when I wasn’t even aware of things to come ahead in my future! So when I think upon these things, it helps me to stay grounded and not easily moved when events try to occur to shake it up.

We are “made” over-comers, right? I have to put myself in a position where I “make” my mind up to overcome things. I have to be strong in times where weakness wants to prevail; faith must dominate doubt each and every time. I know that there might be some critics out there that are saying “you are a bunch of talk, just wait til you walk it”. Trust me, I might not have been alive 50-75 years yet, but it doesn’t take me a thousand loops through life to realize where my help and strength comes from! So come on! Get yourself out of the “doubtin” and “poutin” and “doin withoutin” and think yourself happy. Continually stir the part of you that God needs to be strong in.

Make yourself an over-comer today by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!

Running, Running, Running, Hey Where You Going?

I would take a significant amount of time to write this, but I have three other things that I need to do…wait…that doesn’t sound right does it? When it comes to making time for God, we often come short. It is a growing reality that is starting to trend everywhere that you see. There are those that do a great work and stay in the path for God, and I truly admire them. When I begin to talk to people like that about how it is they stay on track, they always make references to “not getting too busy” or “letting life get too fast”.

I use to joke about that and think that people really only have time for God when they get older and do not have to work so hard for their living. I have definitely changed my outlook on this permanently. I have found that there is always time for God and that it simply goes unnoticed (or in some cases noticed but rejected). In a biblical context, I consider the part about the good samaritan. There were a couple of people that passed by the person who was beaten and in need of someone to have compassion, and yet could not for their own defined reasons. The good samaritan could have passed by as well, but the love and compassion truly worked in this case.

We need to always remember to be careful to not pass by the needs of others and to continually keep the compassion and love of God in our hearts. We keep these things by the continually seeking of God. We keep the continual seeking of God by making time for it! Put it in your datebook, cell phone, outlook calendar, or write it on your hand if you have to! Keep God above all else and you will demonstrate what will not only keep you but help others in their time of need!

Can You Have Too Much Of A Good Thing?

When I begin to ponder and think of this concept, there is only but one answer that comes to mind: yes, you can.

There are many things that we all love and enjoy in life. Some of them may be hobbies while others are educational and recreational. While these things all can prove to produce some kind of emotional “joy”, let me put out there today that this joy (while good in the moment) is only temporary in the short term. In fact, there is always some form of sacrifice or cost that must come at the expense of an emotional buy. And as we all know, some consequences can far outweigh more than others.

As we continue to seek after God and search for a deeper walk with Him each day, let us remember what it is that keeps us established; for when we seek the Kingdom of Heaven and its righteousness, all the other things (to me the spiritual fulfilling things) that we need to keep us in our life with joy will begin to be added. With that said, we can never have too much of God. You might even feel burnt out sometimes, but that is because of how life makes us feel “bored” with things so quickly.

I continually remember each day through the experiences that God almighty has performed for me that I can never have too much of God. In fact, the more of God that I have, the less of a desire that I have for the other things that I used to pursue for my temporary joy. Take time throughout your minutes, hours, days and weeks through prayer and the study of the word of God to evaluate yourself to see if the life you present before God is truly pleasing and bringing the spiritual fruit that is full of all the things we all truly desire out of life. Then, you can find fulfillment without the continual pursuit of every other pleasure out there!

Dust Yourself Off, Today Is A New Day


Luke 9:5 – And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.


Tired? Feeling down? Been in a rut lately? Need a friend but no one listens? Sounds like all the other ads you hear on TV? Are you watching too much TV (just kidding!)? If you have been beat down lately and feel hurt from the things happening or people around you, it is time to move on! There were obedient servants in the bible that received very specific instructions when faced with persecution: knock the dust of your feet as a testimony of your victory!

As you seek God begin to pray that God will renew your heart and help you to take a step forward in the right direction! We as Christians do not need to live and dwell within the pain that have stemmed from the troubles surrounding our lives. The hurt we feel emotionally will not allow us to retain peace and joy. In fact, the bible says that the feelings of light (love) and darkness (pain) can have no fellowship with each other. Hurt only promotes the inward destruction of your faith in God and works against the well-being of your very soul! Speak to your situations that are presently difficult and move forward by taking a risk and stepping out for God! When you wake up in the morning start your day in the powerful and anointed confidence that was paid for by Christ’s sacrifice! Step into your happiness through faith by believing for a better day! We cannot change what is behind us, but we can pray and seek God and work for our wonderful future. Take hold of this revelation and let it work inwardly so your outward life can be changed right now!


As you commit to attending church take advantage of the time learn to worship and enjoy your walk with God no matter what! When you pray, enjoy your prayer! Let your heart and words be humbled. Let spiritual things of the Holy Ghost begin to be poured out into your life! If you have felt like you have went through a dry season it is time to break ourselves down and break new ground! Get out of your comfort zone and let nothing hinder your obedience to God! Step out and be person that God has called you to be. Get yourself encouraged this day! Dust yourself off, today is a new day in God!

In Whom I Believe

Many world issues are all around us and among us. Nationwide issues are prevalent, and local issues (where we are at least) are in vast abundance. When we hear of all the problems that are going on, the first instinct is to immediately “tune it out”.

That scares me.

My question is, whatever happened to the day when God’s people prayed in whom they believed? I know at one point it use to dominate everywhere that I would go; you could not go somewhere without the presence of God being reflected in some way. Now? It’s starting to fade from the falling away of the conditioning of the children of God today. I wish I could say something better than that, but I like to speak things that will get us thinking. We are all included in that list, because we have to learn to go forward and not stop! Sometimes I know it seems silly to sit down and to pray for situations that are way bigger than you are, but we have to be reminded of two things: 1) We aren’t able, but 2) God is!

If we can remember that, and hold true to the promises of God, we could have enough to fill our prayers every single day. We wouldn’t dread to hear things that would “pull us down”; I would say we would take a different approach. People that came to Jesus were met with faith and power. When people come to us, what do they see? What do they hear? I hope that when people come to the church of today, they know about “in whom we believe”. I hope we do not forget who is alive and on the throne today, and hears our every prayer! Knock the dust off of your prayer voice and get going! The next time someone comes to you with something, just remind them that you are praying about it (and that you actually are for real)!

What’s The First Thing You Do?


Luke 6:31 – And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.


Think about when you first wake up. You roll out of bed, hurry to get into the shower and start getting ready. You put your phone and wallet in your pockets/purses, grabbing your keys and hurry out the door …..wait! Plenty of times I am sure we have went throughout our entire day and wondered why things seemed to be harder than they had to be. Many times I often wondered why I have felt like I was not prepared like I could have been. By the time we realize what we should have done differently in a situation it is usually too late to change what has been done. All the suffering to our minds and others hearts could have been averted had we prepared with the game changer that God has given us to use for every trial: prayer! Prayer can help us be prepared for things that we can and cannot see. Through praying we also are able to keep a clear focus of our love and patience towards others. I say this giving caution: always take time for prayer. While worship brings you inside the gates of God’s presence know that prayer is the way into the inner courts of the anointing. Believe me, I speak from experience when I say this, it is definitely worth it! I could not tell you how much more fruitful life is including God in my life in the morning and not waiting until later. I need Him then too!


Remember in the moment (rather than later) to include God in your prayers preparing you for the day ahead. A prayer of preparation is easier to pray than to have to ask God to forgive us for anything we could have avoided if we were properly being prepared! Remember to pray each day! And if you barely get out the door in time, make more time (get to bed earlier)! Let us honor God by giving him some of our valuable time! As you make your daily prayer life habit this same habit begins to produces replicated behavior. And as your behavior changes from your prayer life it becomes a part of your character. The person that you are is defined by what is within you. Let prayer be a part of you and allow it to be first in every situation and present difficulty that may come upon you. It is no wonder that Jesus handled walking through the trials of life as a human so well. He prayed!