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Sometimes The Best For You Is Not The Best For You

If I had to say one thing that we all have been guilty of at one point or another, it would probably be trying to keep up with a trend of some kind. Sometimes it could be as silly as having the latest gadget or gizmo (I hear the droid noise as we speak) or as serious as something that would shift your faith towards God.

You see, popularity and trends change just as quick as the direction of the wind: very often and seldom predictable. Even knowing these things, we will still try to follow after most of the latest things in hopes of some kind of true fulfillment.

I would hate to have to be the one to say this, but I suppose I have said worse in my life. The truth of the matter is, when we are not satisfied with God’s movements, we’ll often move our passion to something else. One day we’ll be on fire and active in church, while on the next we will be out in the world not able to be the true light of the world. This is an alarming trend that we are finding more often, and with this you find less stability in representatives of Jesus Christ.

People, especially youth in this day and age, are truly hungry for a passion they can live by. We as representatives of Jesus Christ need to provide them with the trend that we live by: Godly living in love reaching out to all that need salvation and spiritual fulfillment for eternal life. It’s simple yet necessary. We make it more complex than it should be. If people seeing you following after God and seeing you leading a life of joy, then when their life is finally in a place to where they can be led by God we as the body of Christ are able to lead them!

So remember: sometimes what we have in our lives that people are calling “the best” may not be what people need to be “the best” for them. People need Jesus Christ. People need salvation, a way of escape, and people that will love without condemnation! Remember who you are in God!

Is It Really Worth It?


Ephesians 4:26 – Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath

Proverbs 18:19 – A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.


We as Christians are the light of the world for Jesus Christ. We are the example and outreach that people come into contact with each and every day. Without the witness and light of God in our lives, people cannot be drawn. Knowing this duty and responsibility we all share, I ask this question: Is it really worth it when we overreact and destroy our witness?

More often than not, we let our emotions and pride steer the outcome in the direction we so choose. Is it really worth it to be irrational over silly things? There are many arguments and battles that we are not in control over that are going to come up, and whether you choose to handle it correctly or not, the decision is going to be before you. Is the love of Christ being shown in what we say and do? If it is then we will not say things that we do not mean that hurt others (even when we are justified). Is it really worth that extra pat on the back? You see it in the workplace every day, while the consensus that justifies the behavior is that it is “just business”. Even though we may gain a little bit of popularity by using or taking advantage of others, I honestly do not feel that it is okay for the children of God to be on anyone’s business but God’s. We must learn to demonstrate love by being team players and not doing anything unethical or with reason to gain an advantage. If you are serving God with all of your heart, God will teach you! You can ask of him your desires and not have to pick and prod the business life!


The next time you find yourself in a situation where you behave negatively out of your emotions take a moment and examine the choices made. Ask yourself if what you got out of your actions was really worth the expense that was invoked when the other person was hurt. You will be surprised to what you find if you approach with an honest mind and heart. And as you pray the Holy Ghost will help you learn what to do next time.

What Is Of True Worth?

Psalm 145:20 – The Lord preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.

John 12:25 – He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.

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Each and every day people are going after all the things they feel is of worth: money, fame, fortune, popularity, etc. We all have our actions that we prioritize based on what we want the most. I cannot help but ask where does God lie in priority in the midst of all your business? You see, He is my all in all and the one that I fully trust in. Even in recent events in my life I have found that the value of things that were once important to me began to lose their worth. Why? I would have to say it is because I finally realized that God can only be as valuable as you allow Him to be. I could have a million dollars or could only have a dime, but regardless of which I possess as long as I have Christ in my life I can remain constant. The peace, joy, and everlasting life that you began to inherit by believing upon Him are more valuable than anything else that you could chase out in this world. Over the recent months, I have strengthened my commitment to God and have seen things that use to be of worth fall away. I realize that if I lost it all and still had God, I would still be able to find hope! There might be some of you out there that are feeling hopeless or similar to this, but be encouraged! It is great to have lots of people that know you, objects you love to interact with, and emotional highs from being so love by all walks of life, but do not let these objects stand in your way of what is of most worth to you in your life: Jesus Christ!

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Put Into Practice:

This is a two-part challenge, and depending on your answer to the next few questions, I ask you to act accordingly. Are you saved by praying and asking Jesus Christ to be your savior? Have you asked for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you ever had an experience where you felt something inside that you had never felt before? Have you ever felt something that was leading you to believe there was something more to God and Jesus? If you have not asked Jesus Christ into your life, I pray that you take as long as you need and pray right now to have a change take place and a spiritual transformation take place in your life. There have been many books and methods that have tried to describe how to obtain salvation, but the most important part to know is that you have to recognize that you need Jesus Christ in your life. You have to know that you need to escape hell through the gift of Christ’s sacrifice, salvation. If you are saved, this is wonderful. I would ask you one thing: do you ask these same questions to the ones that you love? Make it your goal that you ask at least (at a minimum) on a quarterly basis through an entire year. That is not much to ask, right? You love your loved ones and those that God has place on your heart, right? Then get out there!