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A Real Question: How Did He Honestly Not Say Anything?

If you have been through a few hard things in life you will definitely know what it feels like to believe you have the right (and need) to complain about the issues in the moment. I could not tell you how many times that I had went back and forth on this very problem. It is something that through God that I am now beginning to master Godly silence and understand that faith has its place in this.Here is the question I have for you to think on today:

How did Jesus not say something when people were making life so difficult for Him? How did He honestly “open not his mouth”?

There are a multitude of phrases that one could imagine hearing come out in some of the most crucial moments of Christ. I could imagine hearing “hey Pharisees why don’t you ease off a little bit and find something else to do” and “come on, you know I am right”. It is hard to imagine that throughout some of the most pivotal teachings that He gave is when He was facing some of the toughest hardships from people. Keep in mind some of these people did not go where Jesus was to learn but to pick it apart and find fault in Him. As a minister and assistant pastor I have came to realize a very harsh truth by experience: not much has changed since then.  It’s sad to say but there is still not a shortage of the kinds of people who are around you just to judge you!

Yet as we know, Jesus only opened His mouth to teach, lead, love and pray. How can it be done in our world and environments today? Can it be done? The quick answer is yes! The real answer is yes through Christ. A life that is being lived to the fullness of God’s purpose will have the love of Christ inside.

Here are 3 key principles that I have learned to help me grow in handling life’s tougher moments:

1) A time to be silent – I could not tell you how many times that having no response or opinion to something in the moment has saved me as a witness of God. There is not much to add to this other than to say that the best time to be silent is when you anticipate irrational behavior. You CAN develop the self-control and you do NOT have to act out on everything. Please do not be deceived there! Prayer can help you. The word of God talks about self-control by saying that you would not have more put on you than you could bear!

2) Be ye Holy in all conversations – to say Holy in this frame of mind is to say stray from or speak truth to bring separation in all conversations. To be frank about this: if you are talking with someone or something and it is not speaking in love or building something in faith or someone for help from God then generally it is possible to avoid it. It is also possible to attempt to redirect a conversation, but if you find it to be something you cannot conquer at the time part from it. There is no argument that would cost the soul of someone by them seeing a hypocrite and not a ambassador of Christ!

3) Speak life and not death – The least popular one, at least to those I campaign this or counsel for. It does not matter how much something is afflicting you negatively; it is your Godly duty to speak life (or faith) to the situation. That is what moves God, especially in a time where you would be led just to write a situation or person off in negative thinking!

Christ did it perfectly. And as we are Christ-like we can all begin to work on the way we respond to things better. Trust me, through prayer and a fervent desire to see change you will through Christ!

Are You Taking The Hard Road Or Easy Street?

1 Peter 1:7 – That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

2 Corinthians 7:4 – Great is my boldness of speech toward you, great is my glorying of you: I am filled with comfort, I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.

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When we begin to hear about the lives of others and the state of their condition, often we begin to get emotional towards ourselves without even helping it. Phrases like “well that must be nice” or “that is so terrible, must be sad for them” come out of our mouth without as much as a second thought. It is quite the same when it comes to the way we handle receiving word from modern day media. Once we gain knowledge of the news and immediately process it by discarding it there remains little affect upon us in any way. I have found this quality to be in me sometimes, especially when I find myself tired and worn from my long day, week or month of things that I have been dealing with. So what’s your point?

We are numb! We are discarding other people’s circumstances and tragedies with a common catchphrase and without as much as a prayer anymore. I am here to remind us to call out for them! Even if we have to get back to the basics of simply saying “help them God”, it is far better than the alternative of “that must be sad”. The word of God talks about the power of life and death being in the tongue we possess! Let us remember to speak life through our prayers for people when we cannot reach out to help them. Because when it finally hits home it truly hurts when all that someone says about your tragedies are, “gee, that’s really sad”. Let us step up and do better than that! Let us not take the hard road of cold hearts and zero compassion. Let us take the easy street where in the word of God it says “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light!” Speak life into others and lead them in a path of life!

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Put Into Practice:

I am not sure if it is possible to preach the words off of the page, but I am trying for the next two sentences. Come on lovers of God, stand in the gap today! Spend 10 more minutes in prayer for now on for others! Spend more time in the altar with those who come forward in your services! Give no regard for when it is that they do either! Stop letting a form and a fashion stand in the way of God’s intentions of starting a brand new life in the lives of others! Let us attempt to walk in the same love that Christ did and remember that each and every one of us must come to know God’s love. And for those of us who are aware of how wonderful it is, we should not be so selfish to give up on obeying God in areas of being a witness either! We WILL face persecution for executing the message of the love of God, but we will also save lives. Remember how you are continually in need each day, and never forget compassion. Do it for the behalf of others who are weak that look to you to be strong!