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God Is Love, And Love Will Make The Difference If You Let It

If I told you today that when you began to share your feelings with me that I would turn a deaf ear, what would your reaction be? Likewise if you walked by me to say hello and we were as close as family and I looked away or pretended you were not there…what would be your thoughts or feelings? What if I told you that this lack of compassion has began to lay dormant in the hearts of people everywhere (even in church!) ? I know at first you would want to say no but consider within yourself the amount of love you have for not just people that are close to you but people in general.

When you consider the amount of time that is being spent towards God versus what we spend for ourselves, the love to which we have for what we spend time for is truly reflected. It cannot lie and will tell on us every time. Let’s examine both contrasts of this. If I seek God and am before Him with it as my first priority, then the love in my heart is towards God, which in turn creates a love and compassion for others that is not naturally there. Now if I seek for myself all the time, then the things that I lust for and seek after are what I love, right? This could mean that you could have someone broke down on the side of the road and yet you speed on by to make sure you catch your tv show. This could also mean you do not participate in church actively because you love the social aspect of church more than the spiritual. Some often discuss this topic as selfish love for carnality or as a love for one’s self. Let me just make note here that just because the love of many will wax cold does not mean you lose the capacity to love, it is simply love redirected for the love of things greater than God (which makes us spiritually dead or cold).

In looking at both of these, it is reminding me to seek God not only in a church or group setting but on a very personal level. For when you do, the love of what you cherish will flow out and your natural desire and likemindedness will be to help others and lead them to Christ! Help us at this ministry continue to never pass anyone by and love everyone as they should be! People need a loving generation of the body of Christ!

Sometimes It’s Okay To Break Down

We as people in general love to fancy ourselves as being strong enough to handle anything and everything that life decides to throw at us. And on a very personal level, I use to think as such as well. I tried to be the tough guy; always dealing with things and trying to never shed a single tear (or displaying any kind of emotion in any way). It never failed that in the end that there would always end up being some sort of emotional break up or down at the end of the day when I would be to myself. To make a long story short, it was never meant for us to live in a world where we suppress the emotions that we cannot deal with or understand.

God has provided a way so that we are able to cast all the cares (those things we are emotionally invested in) and weights (those things that bear weight as burdens) off of us! When life becomes to be too heavy, we have to learn to remember to pray and seek God for the comfort, peace, and strength that we will need in the days ahead of us. Trying to deal with these things on our own will never work, simply because we have no where for it to go. When we pray, it is not only a good outlet, but a spiritual one! You not only cast off what is of a burden to you, but God begins to replace it with the very thing that you need! He is the strength for your weakness.

So what are we trying to say today? It’s okay to admit you need help, or are hurting, or are burdened. It’s okay to reach out to God. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to call out for those that believe God for help too! Reach out to God and begin to live a more joyous and peaceful life! You will not regret it!

The Remnant: Restoring the Call to Personal Integrity

This book was given to me by one of the local ministers in our town and was most appreciated!

When I began to start reading this, it at first felt like my toes were getting stepped on a lot, but as you go on it brings out the deeper meaning and bigger vision of why we have to start at the personal level.

Here’s what helped me (This is what it meant to me, and not a paraphrase of the book!): it really begins at home. There are many things that you could accomplish out there to work hard for your ministry, but where is the joy in your life to do it without it all being centered with God in the home (or as it reads a Godly environment)?

I can definitely see why he was passing it out to people to read, and I definitely recommend it to anyone, and especially anyone that is called to work in ministry!

And always remember when you are done with one, pass it on or recommend! That helps the ones who work so hard to write them!

Check out: The Remnant: Restoring The Call To Personal Integrity – ISBN 978-1599794549

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