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Once An Overcomer, Always An Overcomer, So Come On!

Let’s take a moment and ponder about how terrible life is….WAIT…that’s what we’ll do if we are not too careful. When we read in the word of God, each and every indicator that you study on about where people found the willpower to go on was from the strength of God and their foundation of belief. When I consider my own foundation, I find that it is solid based on the many (countless!) times that God has came through. There were times where it was in my prayers or through the prayers of others. There were times where it came after a period of time or when it came suddenly in a second. There were even times when God moved when I wasn’t even aware of things to come ahead in my future! So when I think upon these things, it helps me to stay grounded and not easily moved when events try to occur to shake it up.

We are “made” over-comers, right? I have to put myself in a position where I “make” my mind up to overcome things. I have to be strong in times where weakness wants to prevail; faith must dominate doubt each and every time. I know that there might be some critics out there that are saying “you are a bunch of talk, just wait til you walk it”. Trust me, I might not have been alive 50-75 years yet, but it doesn’t take me a thousand loops through life to realize where my help and strength comes from! So come on! Get yourself out of the “doubtin” and “poutin” and “doin withoutin” and think yourself happy. Continually stir the part of you that God needs to be strong in.

Make yourself an over-comer today by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony!

You Are Made To Overcome

Romans 12:21Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

1 John 4:4 – Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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We hear the phrase so often that “you are made an overcomer”, right? That part of the phrase is empowered with the part of “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony”, right? One would be quick to say yes in words, but as I observe in the ministry each and every day I find people that sit persuaded that they are “powerless” and have yet to realize the fullness of the power of an overcomer.

Being powerless was not the mindset that God laid out before us to possess. Power was endued from on high so that we could obtain all the qualities of God to fulfill in the areas that we lack in and need strength! Peace came so that we could find joy in the middle of our tough trials. You start unlocking more peace with faith, and faith begins to build and is brought out in you as it comes with works in your life! I work through my troubles by using the blood of the Lamb. I am a redeemed, blood-bought child of the living God! We should never forget the almighty powerful God that we serve! His provision is far greater than this world, and gives me more than enough and far more than I could ever fathom!

When I am in the midst of personal trials I remind myself to use the words of my testimony to stir myself.  When I begin to grow stale in the midst of a routine life: going through the motions, feeling like everything is the same thing, I go back to a time where I remember that I was in desperate need, and God met my every request! I should never doubt that power and should never feel like that I am powerless! We as the children of God have to stop being deceived by our own discouragement and use the very things God gave us to get up and overcome!

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Put Into Practice:

Here is a challenge that I encourage you to do the next time you are at a church service or function: give your testimony! Simply follow your heart and share the great things that God has done for you in your life. Let the spirit of God lead you in your words and do not be afraid to be humble! Surprise yourself by opening up and giving God glory for the multitude of things that have been done and are yet to come!

I can honestly say that I took this challenge a long time ago and that my life has never been the same. In fact, I can honestly say that I wish that I would have stepped out speaking for God a long time ago.