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An Interesting Thought The On Modern Day Influence Of Witchcraft

A lot of times witchcraft is commonly stereotyped into the categories of literal worship to satan or being an atheist. People have even (in the day of numerous versions of bibles) have began to attempt to revise the word and it’s tougher meaning than what it’s changed to. As I was dwelling on where life is at today around us, it is clear to see that witchcraft have many new forms:

1) influence – This is the one prevalent force that was in the days when other newer forms of evil had not come about. Sometimes the thoughts of another can begin to have a stronger hold than anything you could partake of. Not only will influence of others cause a person to sin but to also hold back in their walk with God. Whether you be at church or at home the influence that would lead you to worry or alter your decisions ultimately is the gateway for other detrimental choices.

2) substance – When we hear the word substance, it is often accompanied with the word abuse. And on the same token substance abuse is even tied in directly to drugs. Something to note here is to say that substance abuse goes so much further than drugs. You can take a moment to determine what the substance is in your life, but there is more often than not a direct object that is not surrendered to God.

3) objects and ideals – Once preached in the theme of ” you can’t do this, you can’t do that”, messages used to be (and in some cases still are) preached about the laying of everything that would get in your way. I learned after hearing this a couple times that you cannot escape everything; for it is all around us and is sometimes not in our control. It’s the point to note here: if there is something that is hindering you physically or mentally that IS preventable, then you must be separate from it.

To conclude, I want to remind us about the power of things that will draw you away from God. If it is something that is of great influence that holds you from being free in God, please consider allowing God to start working a change within you. If it is an object before you, please know that the object is simply an enabler and is the end result of your choice to partake in it.

Please realize that though you may even frown upon the word itself that there is still a great power that is attempting to draw us from Christ!